Chance-Vought O2U-2 Corsair

Historical Information:
The Coast Guard obtained six Chance-Vought Corsairs from the Navy Department's inventory; three in 1934 and three more in 1935. They were numbered V117 through V122 and stayed in service through 1937 with one surviving through January 1940. Several of these Corsairs were stationed with the Coast Guard Air Detachment in Texas that patrolled the U.S.-Mexican border in an effort to suppress illegal immigration.

Chance Vought O2U-2 Corsair; "Vought O2U-2 Corsair - 1934-1940." No date/number.

Chance Vought O2U-2 Corsair; "One of two O2U-2's given by the Navy to the Coast Guard in 1935. Based at a temporary Coast Guard installation in San Antonio, Texas. This particular aircraft was flown by Harry Logan with Huddler and Bolten as crew. Aircraft was fabric covered. Upon acceptance from the Navy, condition of fabric was so bad that the plane was stripped and recovered by personnel and their wives at a 'Sewing Bee.' Used briefly in patrolling the Canadian boarder for rum runners." [Copied from original photo in custody of LT Harry Logan, USCG (Ret.).]

Chance Vought O2U-2 Corsair; No caption/date (1936?), photo number 5-8-36(1) n. O2U-2, No. A-1, is parked at an unidentified Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau Airport Station.
Arthur Pearcy, U.S. Coast Guard Aircraft Since 1916 (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1991), pp. 320-321.
Gordon Swanborough & Peter M. Bowers. United States Navy Aircraft Since 1911 (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1990) (revised), pp. 432-435.