Duluth North Pier Light

July 23, 2019 PRINT | E-MAIL


Location: Entrance to Duluth Shipping Canal, Lake Superior
Historic Tower:
Date Built: 1909-1910
Year Light First Lit: 1910
Operational? Yes. Active aid to navigation
Automated? Yes
Foundation Materials: Concrete Breakwater
Construction Materials: Steel and Cast Iron
Tower Shape: Cylindrical
Markings/Pattern: White tower with black lantern and base
Original lens: Fifth Order Fresnel
Owner: U. S. Coast Guard

Historical Information:

  • Light is on a concrete pier at the North Breakwater pier of the Duluth Shipping Canal.
  •  Lake Carrier’s Association constructed a temporary light in 1908.
  •  The tower is 36 feet tall from the base to the ventilator ball.
  • The tower is 10.5 feet in diameter at the base and 8 feet at the gallery.
  •  The Fifth Order Fresnel lens was manufactured by Henry LePaute of Paris.
  •  The lens illuminated by an incandescent electric lamp.
  •  Light equipped with an electromechanical flashing mechanism with a repeating four second cycle of two seconds of light and two seconds of dark.
  •  Light has a focal plane of 46 feet with an eleven mile range under clear conditions.


Alexander Shaw (1908-1910), Charles Lederle (1910-1915), Edwin Bishop (1915-1928), John Woods (1928-1940).

Researched and written by Ed Shaw, a volunteer through the Chesapeake Chapter of the U.S. Lighthouse Society.