Station Buffalo, New York
USLSS Station #5, Ninth District
Coast Guard Station #235

South side north entrance of Buffalo Harbor, 1/2 mile east of Buffalo Light
Date of Conveyance:
Station Built:
Still in operation as Sector & Station Buffalo

BUFFALO, New York (Sept. 10 [2001])--A 47-foot motor life boat sits tied to the pier at Station Buffalo, New York."
Photo No. 100587
Photo by PA1 Harry Craft, III, USCG

BUFFALO, NEW YORK (Sept. 10 [2001])--The Coast Guard Marine Safety Office located at Group Buffalo, New York."
Photo No. 100590
Photo by PA1 Harry Craft, III, USCG

"SHORE UNIT (FOR RELEASE): BUFFALO, New York (Sept. 10 [2001])--The Coast Guard Station at Buffalo, New York."; Photo No. 100593; Photo by PA1 Harry Craft, III, USCG

"SHORE UNIT (FOR RELEASE) BUFFALO, NEW YORK (Sept. 10 [2001])--The Aids to Navigation Team at Coast Guard Group Buffalo, New York." Photo No. 100599; Photo by PA1 Harry Craft, III, USCG
Thomas Williams was appointed keeper 27 March 1880 and resigned 24 March 1900.
Winslow Griesser (G) was appointed keeper on 16 April 1900 and transferred to Lorain LSS on 7 April 1911.
Hugh Harrity was appointed keeper on 5 April 1911 and was still serving in 1915
Staion History File, CG Historian’s Office
Dennis L. Noble & Michael S. Raynes. “Register of the Stations and Keepers of the U.S. Life-Saving Service.” Unpublished manuscript, compiled circa 1977, CG Historian’s Office collection.
Ralph Shanks, Wick York & Lisa Woo Shanks. The U.S. Life-Saving Service: Heroes, Rescues and Architecture of the Early Coast Guard. Petaluma, CA: Costaño Books, 1996.
U.S. Treasury Department: Coast Guard. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers and Cadets and Ships and Stations of the United States Coast Guard, July 1, 1941. Washington, DC: USGPO, 1941.