Station Cape May, New Jersey
USLSS Station #39, Fourth District
Coast Guard Station #137

At Cape May Point, 3/16 mile south of Cape May Light; 38-55' 50"N x 74-57 36"W in 1878; 38-55' 40"N x 74-57' 30"W in 1915
Date of Conveyance:
Station Built:
Still in operation
A Life Saving Station was opened at Cape May Point in 1849. The station was moved at various times throughout the years due to the encroachment of the sea. In 1866 another site was acquired. In 1876 a station was built and exhibited at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At the conclusion of this exposition, the station was moved to Cape May and placed upon the Lighthouse Reservation there by virtue of a permit dated 1876.
A Lifeboat Station Cape May Canal was proposed in 1947, but the land was disposed of in 1954. The Coast Guard was in negotiations with the U.S. Army about the usage of the U.S. Army Engineer Pier, Cape May Canal in the late 1950s and early 1960s. There are records indicating that the pier had been transferred to the Coast Guard by 1964. Other records indicate the construction of a Coast Guard Station on TRACEN Cape May, 0.5 miles east of Cape May proper.
Lewis Stevens was appointed in 1853. It is unknown when he left the service.
Christopher Leaming was appointed in 1856. It is unknown when he left the service.
George Hildreth was appointed on APR 12, 1869. He left the service in 1877.
Charles H. Hand was appointed on MAR 16, 1877 and left the service on JUN 7, 1886.
James W. Eldredge was appointed on JUL 27, 1886 and was still serving in 1915.

"CAPE - MAY - POINT"; no date/photo number; photographer unknown.
Courtesy of Van Field.

"CAPE - MAY - POINT"; no date/photo number; photographer unknown.
Courtesy of Van Field.

No caption/date/photo number; photographer unknown. The pictured surfboat is the 25-foot Type S pulling surfboat No. 4435/CG25419. It was built in 1934.
Photo courtesy of Van Field; information regarding the surfboat was provided by Tim Dring.

No caption/date/photo number; photographer unknown. Courtesy of Van Field.

No caption/date/photo number; photographer unknown. Courtesy of Van Field.

Coast Guard Station Cape May, N.J.
Coast Guard Station Cape May, N.J., shot Monday, May 5, 2008. U.S. Coast Guard Photo No. 080505-G-3721C-006 by PA1 NyxoLyno Cangemi.

Rescue boats at Coast Guard Station Cape May, N.J.
Rescue boats at Coast Guard Station Cape May, N.J., shot Monday, May 5, 2008.
U.S. Coast Guard Photo No. 080505-G-3721C-007 by PA1 NyxoLyno Cangemi.

Cape May, NJ (June 3 1997) -- Coast Guard Training Center and Station Cape May, N.J. USCG photo by THOMAS, BLAIR PA2
Station History File, CG Historian’s Office
Dennis L. Noble & Michael S. Raynes. “Register of the Stations and Keepers of the U.S. Life-Saving Service.” Unpublished manuscript, compiled circa 1977, CG Historian’s Office collection.
Ralph Shanks, Wick York & Lisa Woo Shanks. The U.S. Life-Saving Service: Heroes, Rescues and Architecture of the Early Coast Guard. Petaluma, CA: Costaño Books, 1996.
U.S. Treasury Department: Coast Guard. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers and Cadets and Ships and Stations of the United States Coast Guard, July 1, 1941. Washington, DC: USGPO, 1941.