Station Green Run Inlet, Maryland
USLSS Station #5, Fifth District
Coast Guard Station #108
13-1/2 miles northeast of Assateague Light; 38-04' 30"N x 75-12' 50"W
Date of Conveyance:
Station Built:
Discontinued in 1939
Station Green Run Inlet was the first station constructed on the Maryland coastline. The crew rescued a total of 50 persons during a two-week period in January of 1883.
Robert Hoke of Baltimore noted:
“On January 12th alone a total of 15 sailors were rescued from two distressed ships. While rescuing the crew of the schooner Elizabeth M. Buehler another schooner, the Julia Grace was sighted stranded a mile away. Immediately after completing the rescue of the crew of the Buehler the Green Run Inlet crew responded to the scene of the Grace and brought that crew to safety. The rescued needed to be housed at the station for six days before the conditions were favorable for them to leave the island.”
The station was listed as "Discontinued as an active unit" in the 1929 Register.
John Evans was appointed keeper in 1875 and he left in 1877(?)
John J. Connor was appointed keeper on 5 APR 1877 and he left in 1877.
George C. Birch was appointed keeper on 17 APR 1879 and he resigned on 17 AUG 1891.
Joshua J. Dunton was appointed keeper on 2 AUG 1891 and he transferred to the Ocean City Station on 24 MAR 1892.
Adelbert Soper was appointed keeper on 24 MAR 1892 and he was dismissed on 15 MAY 1899.
Albert C. Carey was appointed keeper on 14 JUN 1899 and he died on 27 OCT 1901.
Borden S. Powell was appointed keeper on 6 NOV 1901 and he transferred to the North Beach Station on 26 OCT 1909.
Joel R. Gordy was appointed keeper on 12 OCT 1909 and he was still serving in 1915.
CWO (L) Frank B. Small was listed as CO in 1929.
Station History File, CG Historian’s Office
Dennis L. Noble & Michael S. Raynes. “Register of the Stations and Keepers of the U.S. Life-Saving Service.” Unpublished manuscript, compiled circa 1977, CG Historian’s Office collection.
Ralph Shanks, Wick York & Lisa Woo Shanks. The U.S. Life-Saving Service: Heroes, Rescues and Architecture of the Early Coast Guard. Petaluma, CA: Costaño Books, 1996.
U.S. Treasury Department: Coast Guard. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers and Cadets and Ships and Stations of the United States Coast Guard, July 1, 1941. Washington, DC: USGPO, 1941.