Station Nome, Alaska

Coast Guard Station #335
At Nome, Alaska; 64-30' 00"N x 165-23' 00"W
Date of Conveyance
Station Built:
Discontinued in 1949
Owing to the urgent demand for services of a life-saving crew, a vacant building on the government reservation there was turned over to the service.
Thomas A. Ross was appointed keeper on 15 APR 1907 and served in that capacity until retiring on FEB 1 1939.

Life-Saving Station, Nome, Alaska, July, 1906

Nome’s crew

USRC Bear off Nome, no date.

U.S. Coast Guard Station Nome, Alaska.
Station History File, CG Historian’s Office
Dennis L. Noble & Michael S. Raynes. “Register of the Stations and Keepers of the U.S. Life-Saving Service.” Unpublished manuscript, compiled circa 1977, CG Historian’s Office collection.
Ralph Shanks, Wick York & Lisa Woo Shanks. The U.S. Life-Saving Service: Heroes, Rescues and Architecture of the Early Coast Guard. Petaluma, CA: Costaño Books, 1996.
U.S. Treasury Department: Coast Guard. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers and Cadets and Ships and Stations of the United States Coast Guard, July 1, 1941. Washington, DC: USGPO, 1941.