Abagadasset Point Range Light (ME)
Absecon Light (NJ) Admiralty Head Light (WA) Aguadilla Light (PR) Ahukini Breakwater (HI) Alactraz Light (CA)
Alia Point (HI) Algoma Light (WI)
Alki Point Light Station (WA) Alligator Reef (FL)
Alpena Light (MI) Althorp Rock (AK)
Ambrose Tower Light (NY) Amelia Island Light (FL) American Shoal Light (FL) Amite River (LA)
Anacapa Island Light (CA) Anacortes Light (WA) Anastasia Island Light (FL) Anchor Point (AK)
Anclote Key Light (FL) Angel Island Light (CA) Angle Point (AK)
Annisquam Harbor Light (MA) Ano Nuevo (CA)
Apalachicola Light (FL) Apostle Islands Light (WI) Aransas Pass Light (TX) Arecibo Light (PR)
Arlington Cut Range Light (FL) Arnold Point Range Light (MD) Ashcroft Light (OH)
Ashland Breakwater Light (WI) Ashtabula Harbor Light (OH) Assateague Island Light (VA) Asusak Island Light Atchafalaya (LA)
Atlantic Highlands Breakwater Light (NJ)
Aunt Phebe Rock Light (NY) Au Sable Light (MI)
Avery Point Light (CT) Avery Rock Light (ME)
Back River Light (VA) Baily Creek Flats (VA) Baileys Harbor Light (WI) Baker Shoal Range (DE) Bakers Island Light (MA) Bakers Island Light (ME) Bald Head Light (NC) Baliz (LA)
Ballast Point (CA) Baltimore Light (MD) Baranofs Castle (AK) Barataria Bay (LA) Barbers Point Light (HI) Barnegat Light (NJ) Bass Harbor Light (ME) Bass River (MA) Battery Gladden (AL) Battery Point (CA)
Bay Furnace Light (MI) Bayfield Light (WI) Bayou Andre Light (LA) Bayou Bonfouca (LA) Bayou Rigolettes (LA) Bayou St. John (LA) Bear Island Light (ME) Beaver Head Light (IL) Beaver Island Light (MI) Beavertail Light (RI) Belhaven (NC)
Belle Isle Light (MI)
Bellevue Range Rear Light (DE) Bells Rock Light (VA)
Bergen Point Light (NJ) Big Bay Point Light (MI) Big Sable Light (MI) Billingsgate Light (MA) Biloxi Light (MS)
Bird Island Light (MA) Bishop & Clerks Light (MA) Black Rock Light (RI) Blakistone Island Light (MD) Bligh Reef Light (AK)
Block Island Light (RI)
Block Island North Light (RI) Block Island Southeast Light (RI) Bloody Point Bar Light (MD) Bloody Point Range Light (SC) Blue Hill Bay Light (ME)
Bluff Point Light (NY) Bluff Shoal Light (NC)
Boca Grande Rear Range (FL) Bodie Island (NC)
Bois Blanc Light (MI) Boliver Point Light (TX) Bodkin Rock Light (CT) Bonfouca Light (LA) Boon Island (ME) Boothbay Harbor (ME) Borden Flats Light (MA) Boston Light (MA)
Braddock Point Light (NY) Brandywine Shoal Light (DE) Brant Island Shoal Light (NC) Brant Point Light (MA) Brazos River (TX)
Brazos Santiago Light (TX) Breakers Point Light (HI) Brenton Reef Offshore Light (RI) Brewerton Channel Range Light (VA)
Bridgeport Breakwater Light (CT) Bridgeport Harbor Light (CT) Bristol Ferry Light (RI)
Browns Head Light (ME) Browns Head Light (ME) Bryant Point Light (MA) Buck Island Light (VI)
Buffalo Light (NY) Bullocks Point Light (RI) Burlington Bank (NJ) Burlington Light (VT)
Burnt Coat Harbor Light (ME) Burnt Island Light (ME) Burrows Island Light (WA) Busby Island Light (AK) Butler Flats Light (MA) Buzzards Bay Light (MA)
Cabeza de San Juan (PR) Cabo Rojo (PR)
Cabo San Juan (PR) Cabras Island Light (PR) Calcasieu River (LA) Calumet Harbor (IL) Cana Island (WI)
Canton Island Boat Channel Light (Kiribati)
Canton Island (Phoenix Islands) Cape Ann (MA)
Cape Arago Light (OR) Cape Blanco Light (OR) Cape Canaveral (FL) Cape Chacon (AK) Cape Cod Canal (MA) Cape Cod Light (MA) Cape Decision (AK)
Cape Disappointment (WA) Cape Edgecombe (AK) Cape Elizabeth (ME)
Cape Espenberg (AK) Cape Fear (NC)
Cape Flattery (WA) Cape Florida (FL) Cape Hatteras (NC) Cape Hanamanioa (HI) Cape Henlopen (DE) Cape Henry (WA)
Cape Hinchinbrook (AL) Cape Horn Lights (?) Cape Kumukahi (HI) Cape Lookout (NC) Cape Lynch Light (AK) Cape Mala (CZ)
Cape May (NJ)
Cape Mendocino (CA) Cape Neddick (ME) Cape Meares (OR) Cape Pogue (MA) Cape Rojo (PR)
Cape Romain (SC) Cape Romano (FL) Cape St. Elias (AK) Cape St. George (FL) Cape San Blas (FL) Cape San Juan (PR) Cape Sarichef (AK) Cape Spartel (Morocco) Cape Spencer (AK) Cape Vincent (NY) Cardona Island (PR) Carleton Island (NY) Carquinez Strait (CA) Carrabelle (FL) Carysfort Reef (FL) Castle Hill (RI)
Castle Rocks (MA) Cat Island (MS) Cattle Point (WA) Cedar Keys (FL) Cedar Point (MI) Chambers Island (WI) Chandeleur (LA)
Channel Island Light (?) Chapel Hill (NJ)
Chapin Island Range (AK) Charleston (SC) Charlevoix (MI)
Charlotte Amalie (VI) Charlotte Harbor (FL) Chatham Light (MA) Cheboygan River (MI)
Chefuncte River (see Tchefuncte) Cherry Island (DE)
Chesapeake (VA)
Chesapeake & Delaware Canal (MD/DE)
Chester Range (PA) Chetco River Light (OR) Chicago Harbor (IL) Choctaw Point (AL) Choptank River (MD)
Christiana North Jetty (DE) Clark’s Point Light (MA) Cleveland (OH)
Cleveland Ledge (OH) Clinton River (MI) Clopper’s Bar (TX) Cobb Point Bar (MD) Cockspur Light (GA) Coconut Point (HI) Cohansey (NJ) Colchester Reef (VT) Cold Spring Harbor (NY)
Columbia River Lights (OR) Colvos Passage (WA) Coney Island (NY) Conanicut (RI)
Concord Point (MD) Conimicut (RI) Conover (NJ) Conneaut (OH) Coos Bay (OR) Copper Harbor (MI) Coquille (OR) Corpus Christi (TX)
Cosgrove Shoal Light (FL) Cottonwood Island (OR) Courthouse Point (MD) Cove Point (MD) Coxsackie (NY)
Crabtree Ledge (ME) Craighill Channel (MD) Cranberry Island (NS) Craney Island (VA) Crescent City (CA) Crisp Point (MI) Croatan Shoal (NC) Crooked River (FL) Cross Ledge Light (NJ) Cubits Gap (LA) Cuckolds Light (ME) Culebrita Island (PR) Cumberland Head (NY) Currituck Beach (NC) Curtis Island (ME) Cuttyhunk (MA)
Dames Point (FL) Danskammar (NY) Daufuskie Island (SC) Deepwater Point Range (NJ) Deepwater Shoals (VA) Deer Island (MA)
Deer Island Thorofare (ME) Delaware Breakwater (DE) Delaware Breakwater Front Range (DE)
Derby Wharf (MA) Desdemona Sands (OR) Destruction Island (WA) DeTour Reef (MI) Detroit River (MI)
Devil’s Island (WI) Dewey Rocks Light (AK) Diamond Head (HI)
Diamond Island Ledge Light (ME) Diamond Shoal (NC)
Dice Head (ME) Dofflemeyer Point (WA) Dog Island (FL) Doubling Point (ME) Drum Point (MD) Drummond Island (MI)
Dry Spruce Island Rock (AK) Dry Tortugas (FL)
Duck Island Range (MI) Duck Point Light (?)
Duluth Northern Pier Light (MN) Duluth Southern Breakwater (MN) Dumpling Rock (MA)
Dunkirk (NY)
Dunlap Reef N.W. End Light (WI) Dutch Island (RI)
Duxbury Pier (MA)
Eagle Bluff (WI) Eagle Harbor (MI) Eagle Island (ME)
East Brother Island (CA) East Charity Shoal (NY) East Chop (MA)
East Chugach (AK) East Foreland (AK)
East Pascagoula (MS) East Rigolets (LA)
East & West Shoal (TX) Eastern Entrance (MA) Eastern Point (MA) Eaton’s Neck (NY) Eddystone (England) Edgartown (MA)
Ediz Hook (WA) Egg Island (NJ) Egg Rock (ME) Egg Rock (MA) Egmont Key (FL)
Elbow of Cross Ledge (NJ) Eldred Rock (AK)
Elizabeth Island (Bahamas) Elfin Cove (AK)
Ellis Island (NY)
Elm Tree Range (NY) Emms Rock (ME)
Enderbury Island (South Pacific) Erie Point (PA)
Escanaba (MI) Esopus Meadow (MA)
Eureka Pass Daybeacon (AK) Execution Rocks (NY)
Fair Haven (NY) Fairhaven Bridge (MA) Fairport (OH)
Fairway Island (AK) Falmouth Inner Harbor (MA) False Point Daybeacon (?) Farallon (CA)
Farmers Ridges Range (MI) Father Point (CA) Faulkner’s Island (CT) Fenwick Island (DE)
Finns Point (PA) Fire Island (NY)
Fisherman’s Point (Cuba) Fisher’s Island (CT) Fishing Battery (MD) Five Fingers (AK)
Five Mile Island Light (CT) Flag Island (MN)
Fleets Bay Light (VA) Fletcher’s Neck (ME) Foot Bank (?) Foreign Light Stations
Foremost Rock Daybeacon (?) Fort Adams (RI)
Fort Barrancas (FL) Fort Carroll (MD) Fort Delaware (DE)
Fort Foote Wharf (MD) Fort Gratiot (WI)
Fort Jackson Range (GA) Fort Jefferson (FL)
Fort Lafayette (NY)
Fort Louisa Augusta (VI) Fort McCree (FL)
For Mifflin (PA) Fort Niagara (NY) Fort Point (CA) Fort Point (ME) Fort Point (TX) Fort Pickering (MA)
Fort Ripley Shoal (SC) Fort Scammel Point (ME) Fort Sumter (SC)
Fort Tompkins (NY) Fort Wadsworth (NY) Fort Washington (NY) Fort Wood (CT)
Found Island Rock Daybeacon (?) Four Mile Crib (IL)
Fourteen Foot Bank (DE) Fourteen Foot Shoal (MI) Fourteen Mile Point (MI) Forty Mile Point (MI)
Fox Island (CAN) Fox River (WI) Fowey Rocks (FL)
Frankfort Pierhead (MI) Franklin Island (ME) Franks Island (LA)
Fransen Island Range (MN) Frechette Point (MI) Frederiksted (VI)
Frost’s Point (NH) Frying Pan Island (MI) Frying Pan Shoals (NC)
Galloo Island (NY) Gallups Island (MA) Galveston (TX)
Gambier Bay Entrance Light (AK) Garden Key (FL)
Gary (IN) Gasparilla (FL) Gaspee Point (RI)
Gastineau Channel Light (AK) Gay Head (MA)
General History Genesee (NY) George Island (?) Georgetown (SC) Gloucester Base (NJ)
Gloucester Breakwater (MA) Glymont (MD)
Goat Island (ME) Golovin Bay Light (AK) Goose Rocks (ME) Gould Island (RI) Governors Island (NY) Grand Haven (MI)
Grand Island Light Station (LA) Grand Island Harbor (MI) Grand Marais (MN)
Grand Traverse (MI) Granite Island (MI) Grant’s Pass (AL) Grassy Hammock (CT) Grassy Island (WI) Grassy Island Ledge (WI) Gravelly Shoals (MI) Graves Ledge (ME) Graves Ledge (MA) Gray’s Harbor (WA) Gray’s Reef (MI)
Great Aquavitae (MA) Great Beds (NJ)
Great Captain’s Island (NY) Great Duck Island (ME) Great Harbor (MA)
Great Point (MA) Great Salt Pond (RI) Great Shoals (MD) Great Wicomico (VA)
Green Bay (WI) Green Island (OH) Green Island (WI) Greenbury Point (MD) Greens Ledge (CT) Grindle Point (MD) Grosse Isle (MI) Grosse Point (IL) Guanica (PR) Guantanamo (Cuba) Guard Island (AK) Gull Island (MI)
Gull Island Rock (MI) Gull Rocks (RI) Gustavus Light (AK)
Haig Point (SC) Halfmoon Bay (CA) Halfmoon Reef (TX) Halfmoon Shoal (TX) Halfway Rock (ME) Hamilton Island (CAN) Hams Bluff (VI) Hanamaioa (HI) Hanapepe (HI)
Hanus Reef (AK) Harbor Beach (MI) Harbor Island (NC) Harbor of Refuge (DE) Hart’s Landing (MI)
Havre de Grace Light (MD) Hawk Inlet East Shoal (AK) Hawea Point (HI)
Head of the Passes (LA) Heceta Head (OR)
Helm Bay (AK) Hendricks Head (ME) Hereford Inlet (NJ) Heron Neck (ME)
Hermanos Island Rear Daybeacon (AK)
High Island Light (TX)
Highwater Rock Daybeacon (AK) Hillsboro Inlet (FL)
Hive Island (AK) Hog Island (MA)
Hog Rock Light (AK) Holland Harbor (MI) Holland Island Bar (MD) Holmes Hale (MA) Honolulu Harbor (HI) Honolulu Channel Light (HI) Hooper Island (MD)
Hooper Strait (MD) Horn Island (MS) Horseshoe Range (PA) Horseshoe Reef (NY) Horton’s Point (NY) Hospital Point (MA) Hot Island Light (?) Housatonic River (CT)
Houston Ship Channel (TX) Howland Island (Pacific) Hudson City (NY) Humboldt Bar (CA)
Hunter Bay Daybeacon (WA) Hunting Island (SC)
Huron Harbor (OH) Huron Island (MI) Hyannis Range (MA)
Icy Passage Light (AK) Ida Lewis Rock (RI) Ilkognak Rock Light (AK) Indian Island (ME) Indian Point Range (MI)
Indiana Harbor East Breakwater (IN) Indiana Waterway Light No. 49 (NC) Inner Point Light (AK)
Ipswich Range (MA)
Isla Caja de Muertos (PR) Isla Cardona (PR)
Isle au Haute (ME) Isle aux Galets (MI) Isle LaMotte (VT) Isle of Shoals (NH) Isle Royale (MI)
James Island (MD) Jeffrey’s Hook (NY)
Jobos Harbor (PR) Johnson Point (WA) Jones Inlet (ME) Jones Point (VA) Jordan’s Point (VA)
Juniper Island Light (VT) Jupiter Inlet (FL)
Kahoolawe Point (HI) Kaena Point (HI)
Kahului Entrance Range (HI) Kailua (HI)
Kalae (HI) Kalamazoo (MI) Kalaupapa (HI) Kalgin Island (AK)
Karheen Passage Daybreak (AK) Kasnyku Harbor Daybeacon (AK) Kauhola Point (HI)
Kauiki (HI) Kaula Rock (HI)
Kaumalapau (HI) Kawaihae (HI) Kauna Point (HI) Keahole (HI)
Keku Strait Daybeacon (AK) Kenosha (WI)
Kennebec River (ME) Ketchikan-Thomas Basin (AK) Ketchikan Light (AK)
Kewalo Basin (HI) Kewaunee Pierhead (WI) Keweenah Waterway (MI)
Keweenaw Lower Entrance (MI) Key Reef Light (AK)
Key West (FL) Khantaak Island (AK) Kilauea (HI)
Killock Shoal (VA) Kingston Flats (NY) Kinkora (NJ)
Klawak Island Light (AK) Klokachee Lamp (?) Kokole Point (HI)
Kuhio Bay (HI) Kukuihaele (HI)
La Pointe (WI)
Lae o Ha Laau Point (HI) Lahaina (HI)
Lake Borgne (MS) Lake Pontchartrain (LA) Lake St. Clair (MI)
Lake St. George (FL) Lake Worth Inlet (FL) Lambert Point (VA) Lansing Shoal (MI)
Larzatita Island Reef Light (AK) Latimer Reef (NY) Laupahoehoe Point (HI)
Laurel Point (NC) Lauu Point (HI) Lazaretto Point (MD) Lehigh (NJ)
Lehua Island (HI) Lewis Reef (AK) Libby Island (ME) Lime Kiln (WA) Lime Point (CA) Lincoln Rock (AK)
Liston Range Rear (DE) Little Creek (?)
Little Cumberland Island (GA) Little Gull Island (NY)
Little Mark Island (ME) Little Rapids Cut (MI) Little River (ME)
Little Sable (MI) Little Traverse (MI) Lloyd Harbor (NY) Long Beach (CA)
Long Beach Bar (NY) Long Island Head (MA) Long Point (MA)
Long Point (NC) Long Shoal (NC) Looe Key (FL) Lorain West (OH) Los Angeles (CA) Love Point (MD) Lovells Island (MA) Low Point (CAN)
Lower Cedar Point (MD) Lower Little Island (NY) Lower Range (MA)
Lower Thoroughfare Range (MD) Lubec Channel (ME)
Ludington (MI) Ludlam Beach (NJ) Lynde Point (CT) Lynn Harbor (MA)
Machias Seal (CAN) Magothy River (MD) Mahon River (DE) Mahukona (HI) Makapuu Point (HI) Manana Island (ME) Manistee (MI) Manistee Pierhead (MI) Manistique (MI) Manitou (MI) Manitowoc (WI) Mantua Creek (NJ)
Maplin Sand Light (England) Marblehead (OH) Marblehead (MA)
Marcus Hook (DE) Mare Island (CA)
Marine City Range Light (MI) Marquette Light (MI) Marquette Breakwater (MI)
Mark Abbott Memorial Lighthouse (CA)
Marrowstone Point (CT) Marshall Point Light (ME) Martin Reef (MI)
Mary Island (AK) Maryland Point (MD) Matagorda Bay Light (TX)
Mathias Point Shoal Light (VA) Matinicus Rock Light (ME) Mattituck (NY)
Maumee Bay (OH) Maurice River (NJ) Maxfield Point (VT) Maxwell Point Light (SC) Mayo Beach (MA)
McClellan Rock Light (AK) McGregor Point Daybeacon (HI) McGulpins Point (MI)
Meares Island (CAN) Mendenhall Bar (AK) Mendota Light (MI)
Menominee Pierhead Light (WI) Merrill’s Shell Bank (MS) Merrimac (WI)
Metomkin Point (VA)
Miah Maull Shoal Light (DE) Michigan City Light (IN) Michigan Island (WI)
Middle Island (MI) Middle Neebish (MI) Midway Rock Light (CA) Mile Rocks Light (CA) Milolii (HI)
Milwaukee Breakwater (WI) Milwaukee Pierhead (WI) Minneapolis Shoals (MI) Minor Island (WA)
Minor Island/Tansy Point (WA) Minot’s Ledge (MA)
Mispillion River (DE) Mission Point (MI)
Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MS) Mite Head (?)
Mitrofania Island (AK) Mobile Bay (AL) Mobile Point (AL) Molasses Reef (FL) Molokai (HI)
Molokini Light (HI) Mona Island (PR) Monhegan Island (ME)
Montreal River Light (MI) Monroe (MI)
Monomoy Point Light (MA) Montauk Point (NY)
Moos Head (OR) Moose Peak (ME) Meriches Light (NY) Morris Island (SC) Morro Bay (CA)
Mosquito Bank Light (FL) Moss Landing (CA)
Mount Desert Island Light (ME)
Mud Island Rear Light (PA) Muertos Island (PR) Mukilteo Light (WA)
Mule Rock (AK) Mulholland Point (CAN) Munising Range (MI)
Murderkill River Range Front (DE) Murphy’s Dock Light (
Muscle Bed Shoal (RI) Muskegon Pierhead Front (MI) Myhlen Feldt Point (VI) Matomkin Light (VA)
Nakalele Point (HI) Nansemond River (VA) Nanticoke River (MD) Nantucket (MA) Napoopoo (HI) Narranguagus Bay (ME) Narrow Point (AK) Narrows Light (MA) Nash Island (ME) Natchez (MS)
Nauset (MA)
Navassa Island (Minor) Navesink (NJ)
Nawilliwilli Harbor Light (HI) Nayat Point Light (RI) Neches River (TX)
Ned Point (MA)
Neuse River Light (NC) New Canal (LA)
New Dorp (NY)
New Dungeness (WA)
New Haven (Outer Breakwater) (CT) New Haven Harbor (CT)
New London Harbor (CT) New London Ledge (CT) New Point Comfort (VA) Newark Bay (NJ) Newbern Harbor (NC) Newbury Harbor (MA)
Newburyport Harbor Range Light (MA)
Newcastle Range (DE) Newport Beach (CA)
Newport Harbor (RI) Newport News (VA) Newport Wharf Light (VT) Niagara-on-the Lake (NY) Niblack Daybeach (AK) Nobska Point (MA)
North Brother’s Island (NY) North Dumpling Light (NY) Northeast Corner (?)
North Head (WA)
North Hook Fog Signal (NJ) North Inian Pass (AK)
North Landing River Beacon (VA) North Manitou Shoal (MI)
North Pier (PA) North Point (WI) North River Bar (NC)
Northwest Passage (FL)
Oak Island (NC) Oak Orchard (NY)
Oakland Harbor (CA) Ocean Cape (AK) Ocracoke (NC)
Old Field Point (NY) Old Mission Point (MI) Old Orchard Shoal (NY)
Old Plantation Flats (VA) Old Point Comfort (VA) Old Reedy Island (DE) Old Sodus Point (MI) Ontonagon (MI)
Oregon Inlet (NC) Orient Point Light (NY) Oswego Light (NY) Otstota Island (AK) Owls Head (ME) Outer Island Light (WI) Oyster Bayou (LA)
Pacific Reef Light (FL) Pages Rock (VA)
Pago Pago (American Samoa) Palaoa Point (HI)
Palmer Island (MA) Pamlico Point (NC) Pascagoula (MS) Pass a l’Outre (LA)
Pass Christian Light (MS) Pass Manchac (LA) Passage Island (MI) Passaic Light (NJ)
Pastol Bay (AK) Patos Light (WA) Paukaa Point (HI) Pauwela Point (HI) Paymyra Light (NJ) Pea Patch Island (DE)
Peche Isle Range (MI) Pearse Canal (AK) Pearl River (LA) Peck’s Ledge (CT) Peep Rock Light (AK) Pelican City (AK) Pelican Shoal (FL) Pemaquid (ME) Penfield Reef (CT) Peninsula Point (MI) Pensacola Light (FL)
Pentwater Pierhead (MI) Pepeeko Point (HI) Perkins Island (ME) Perry Island Light (AK)
Perry Memorial Light (OH) Petit Manan Light (ME) Pharos of Alexandria (Egypt) Piedras Blancas (CA) Pigeon Point (CA)
Pillar Point (NZ) Pilot Island (WI) Piney Point (MD) Pipe Island (WI)
Plattsburgh Beacon (NY) Plum Beach (RI)
Plum Island (NY) Plum Island (WI) Plymouth Gurnet (MA) Poe Reef (MI)
Point Adams (OR)
Point Alexander Light (CAN) Point Allerton (CAN)
Point Ancon Light (?)
Point Arden (AK)
Point (Puenta) Arena (CA) Point Arguello (CA)
Point Augusta (AK) Point au Fer (LA)
Point Aux Barques (MI) Point Aux Herbes (LA) Point Aux Roches (NY) Point Baker (AK)
Point Betsie (MI) Point Blunt (CA) Point Bonita (CA)
Point (Puenta) Borinquen (PR) Point Cabrillo (CA)
Point Colpoys Light (AK) Point Conception (CA) Point Defer (LA)
Point Diablo (CA) Point Erie (PA) Point Fermin (CA) Point Figuras (PR) Point Gambier (?) Point Grenville (WA) Point Harris (CA) Point Hilda (AK) Point Hudson (WA)
Point Hueneme (CA) Point Judith (RI) Point Jiguero (PR) Point Iroquois (MI) Point Light (?)
Point Loma (CA) Point Lookout (MD) Point Montara (CA) Point Macartney (?) Point Mulas (PR) Point No Point (MD) Point No Point (WA) Point Orchard (WA) Point of Shoals (VA) Point Pigal (AK) Point Pinos (CA) Point Retreat (AK) Point Reyes (CA) Point Robinson (WA) Point Sal (CA)
Point Tuna (PR) Point Sherman (AK)
Point Sur (CA) Point Vicente (CA) Point Wilson (WA)
Pollock Rip Beacon (MA) Pombam Rocks (RI) Ponce de Leon (FL)
Ponce Harbor Front Range (PR) Pond Island (ME)
Pooles Island Bar (MD)
Port Alexander Rear Range (AK) Port Austin Reef (MI)
Port Canaveral (FL) Port Clinton (OH) Port Isabel (TX) Port Mansfield (TX) Port Ponce (PR)
Port Pontchartrain (LA) Port Protection Light (AK) Port Sanilac (MI)
Port San Juan (PR) Port Washington (WI) Portage River (MI) Portage Lake (MI)
Portland Breakwater (ME) Portland Harbor (NY) Portland Head (ME) Portsmouth Harbor (NH) Port Tongass (AK) Pottawatomie (WI) Poverty Island (MI) Povoronti Island (AK) Presque Isle (ME) Presque Isle (PA) Presque Isle Harbor (ME) Priest Rock (WA) Proctorville (LA)
Prospect Harbor (ME) Prudence Island Light (RI) Puerto Ferro (PR)
Pulaski Shoal (FL) Pumpkin Island Light (ME) Pungoteague Light (VA) Punta Gorda (CA)
Punta Del Ano Nuevo (CA) Pyramid Rock (HI)
Quinta Sueno (DR) Quoddy Head Light (MA)
Race Point (MA) Race Rock (NY)
Racine Breakwater (WI) Racine Reef (WI) Ragged Point (MD) Ram Island (DE)
Ram Island Ledge (ME) Raritan Bay & River Lights (NJ) Raspberry Island (WI) Raspberry Strait (AK)
Rawley Point Light (WI) Rebecca Shoal (FL)
Red Fish Bar Cut Light (TX) Reedy Island Range (DE) Reef Island (?)
Rice Point Light (CAN) Riverton Light (NJ) Roanoke Marshes (NC) Roanoke River (NC) Robbins Reef (NJ) Rock Harbor (MI)
Rock of Ages (MI)
Rockaway Point Breakwater (NY) Rockland Breakwater (ME) Rocky Island (CA)
Rocky Point (CAN) Roe Island (CA) Romer Shoals (NJ) Rondout Creek (NY)
Roosevelt Inlet Range (DE) Rose Island (RI)
Rouleau Point Range (MI) Round Beach Light (CT) Round Island (MS)
Round Island Passage (MI) Round Point (TX)
Round Rock (TX) Rugged Island (AK)
Sabine Bank (TX) Sabine Pass (LA)
Sabine Pass East Jetty (TX) Sabine Pass Jetty Range (TX) Sabine Point (RI)
Saginaw River Rear Range (MI) Saddleback Ledge (ME)
St. Andrews Bay (FL) St. Augustine (FL) St. Clair River (MI) St. Croix River (ME)
St. Georges Reef (CA) St. Helena Island (MI) St. John’s (FL)
St. Joseph’s Island (MS) St. Joseph Pierhead (MI) St. Joseph Point (FL)
St. Lawrence (CAN/NY) St. Louis (MN)
St. Marks (FL)
St. Martin Island (MI)
St. Mary’s River Lower Range (MI) St. Simons (GA)
Sakonnet (RI)
Salem River Range Front (NJ) Saluria (TX)
Saltery Cove (?) San Diego Bay (CA)
San Luis Obispo (CA) Sand Hills (MI)
Sand Island (AL) Sand Island (WI) Sand Key (FL) Sand Point (MI) Sandusky Bay (OH) Sandy Hook (NJ)
Sandy Point Shoal (MD) Sandy Neck (MA) Sanibel Island (FL) Sankaty Head Light (MA) Santa Barbara (CA)
Santa Barbara Breakwater (CA) Santa Cruz (CA)
Santa Monica (CA) Sapelo Island (GA) Saugerties (NY)
Saugatuck South Pierhead (MI) Savannah (GA)
Saybrook Breakwater (CT) Schooner Ledge Rear Range (PA)
Scituate (MA)
Schuylkill River Jetty (PA) Schuylkill River Range (PA) Scotch Cap (AK)
Sea Gate (NY) Sea Girt (NJ)
Seaflower Reef Daybeacon (NY) Seal Rocks (CA)
Seldovia Entrance (AK) Semiahoo (WA) Sentinel Island (AK) Seguin (ME)
Seul Choix Pointe (MI) Seven Foot Knoll (MD) Shakan Strait Daybeacon (?)
Shaktoolik River Entrance (AK) Sharkfin Knoll (MD)
Sharps Island (MD) Sheboygan Breakwater (WI) Shell Keys (LA)
Sherwood Point (WI) Shinnecock (NY) Ship Island (AK) Ship Island (MS)
Ship John Shoal (NY) Ship Shoal (LA)
Shoal Island Light (CAN) Signal Island (?)
Sister Islands (NY) Sisters Island Light (NY) Skagway Breakwater (AK) Skin Island Light (?) Skunk Bay (WA)
Slip Point (WA) Smith Island (WA) Smith Point (VA) Smith Shoal (FL)
Smyrna River Range (DE) Sodus Point (NY) Solomons Lump (MD) Sombrero Key (FL) Somers Cove (MD)
South Bass Island (OH)
South Brother Island Channel Range (NY)
South Buffalo (NY)
South Cove Entrance Range (?) South Craig Point Daybeacon (AK)
South Fox Island (MI) South Haven Pier Light (MI) South Head (CAN)
South Kaigani Harbor (AK) South Manitou (MI)
South Pass (LA)
South Pass East Jetty (LA) South Point (CA)
South Point Light (HI)
South Point Royal Shoal (NC) South Reef (LA) Southampton Shoals (CA) Southwest Cape (FL) Southwest Cape (VI) Southwest Ledge (CT) Southwest Pass (LA) Southwest Pass Light (LA) Spanish Island Light (WA) Sparrows Point Light (MD) Spasskaia Island (AK) Spectacle Island Range (MA) Spectacle Reef (MI)
Split Rock (MN)
Spring Point Ledge (ME) Sqaw Island (MI) Squirrel Point (ME) Stage Harbor (MA) Stamford Harbor (CT) Stannard Rock (MI)
Star Point Light (?) Staten Island (NY) Statue of Liberty (NY) Steamer Point Light (AK) Stepping Stones (NY) Stingray Point (VA) Stonington Harbor (CT)
Stony Point (NY – Hudson) Stony Point (NY – Lake Ontario) Stowl Point Light (
Straitsmouth (MA) Stratford Point (CT) Stratford Shoal (NY)
Strawberry Island Upper Cut Range (NY)
Sturgeon Bay Canal & Pierhead Lights
Sturgeon Point (MI)
Stuyvesant (NY) Sukoi Islet (AK) Sullivans Island (SC)
Sunken Meadows (NY) Sunken Rock (NY)
Superior Entry South Breakwater (WI)
Swallow Head Light (?) Swanson Harbor Light (AK) Swash (TX)
Swash Channel Range Front (NY) Sweeper Cove Jetty Light (AK) Sweets Point Light (OH)
Table Bluff (CA)
Table Island Light (Myanmar) Tail Point (WI)
Tangier Sound (VA) Tarpaulin Cove (MA) Tarrytown (NY) Tawas Point (MI) Tchefuncte River (LA) Tee Harbor Light (MA)
Ten Pound Island (MA) Tenants Harbor (ME) Tennessee Reef (FL)
Thacher’s Island Twin Lights (MA) Thimble Shoals (VA)
Thirty Mile Point (NY) Thomas Basin (AK) Thomas Point Shoals (MD) Three Hill Light (?)
Throgs Neck (NY) Thunder Bay Island (MI) Tibbetts Point (NY) Tiger Shoal (FL) Tilgham Island (MD) Tillamook Rock (OR) Timbalier (CA)
Tinicum Island Range (NJ) Tolchester Beach (MD) Toledo Harbor (OH) Tongass Reef (AK)
Tree Point (AK) Trinidad Head (CA) Trinity Shoal (LA)
Tue Marshes (VA) Turkey Point (NY) Turkey Point Light (MD) Turn Point (WA) Turnabout Island (AK)
Turning Island Light (CAN) Turning Point Beacon (FL) Turtle Island (OH)
Twin Lights/Three Sisters (MA) Two Bush Island (ME)
Two Harbors (MN) Two Rivers (WI)
Two Tree Island Light (UK) Tybee (GA)
Umpqua River (OR) Unalakleet (AK)
Upper Cedar Point (MD)
Valdez Harbor Entrance South Light (AK)
Vanderbilt Reef (AK) Vank Island Light (AK) Venus Point (GA) Vermillion (OH) Vermillion Bay (LA)
Vichnefski Rock Light (AK) Vidal Shoals Light (MI) View Cove Harbor Light (?) Village Island Light (CAN) Village Point Daybeacon (?) Volusia Bar (FL)
Wachapreague Light (VA) Wade Point (NC) Waiakea (HI)
Warwick (RI) Watch Hill (RI) Watervliet (NY) Watts Island (VA) Waukeegan (IL) West Bank (NY) West Chop (MA)
West Point (WA) West Point (NY) West Rigolets (LA)
West Quoddy Head (ME) West Sister Island (OH) Weymouth Fore River (MA) Whale Island Light (NZ?) Whale Rock (RI) Whaleback (NH)
White Cliff Island (?) White River (MI) White Rocks (VA) White Shoal (VA) White Shoals (MI) Whitefish Point (MI)
Whitehall Narrows (NY) Whitehead Island (ME) Whitestone Point (NY) Whitlock Mills (ME) Wickford Harbor (RI) Willamette River (OR) Willapa Bay (WA)
Wind Point (WI)
Windham Bay Narrows (AK) Windmill Point (MI)
Windmill Point (VA) Windmill Point (VT) Windward Point (Cuba) Wings Neck (MA) Winter Harbor (ME) Winthrop (MA)
Wolf Trap (VA)
Womans Bay Entrance Light (AK) Wood End (MA)
Wood Island (ME)
Woronkofshi Point Daybeacon (?) Wrangell Breakwater Light (AK) Wrangell Narrows Light (AK) Wyandotte (MI)
Wychmere Harbor Jetty Light (MA)
Yaquina Bay (OR) Yaquina Head (OR) Yellow Point Light (AK) Yerba Buena (CA) York River (VA)
York Spit Light (MA)