Official websites use .mil
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Abagadasset Point Range Light (ME)
Absecon Light (NJ)
Admiralty Head Light (WA)
Aguadilla Light (PR)
Ahukini Breakwater (HI)
Alactraz Light (CA)
Alia Point (HI)
Algoma Light (WI)
Alki Point Light Station (WA)
Alligator Reef (FL)
Alpena Light (MI)
Althorp Rock (AK)
Ambrose Tower Light (NY)
Amelia Island Light (FL)
American Shoal Light (FL)
Amite River (LA)
Anacapa Island Light (CA)
Anacortes Light (WA)
Anastasia Island Light (FL)
Anchor Point (AK)
Anclote Key Light (FL)
Angel Island Light (CA)
Angle Point (AK)
Annisquam Harbor Light (MA)
Ano Nuevo (CA)
Apalachicola Light (FL)
Apostle Islands Light (WI)
Aransas Pass Light (TX)
Arecibo Light (PR)
Arlington Cut Range Light (FL)
Arnold Point Range Light (MD)
Ashcroft Light (OH)
Ashland Breakwater Light (WI)
Ashtabula Harbor Light (OH)
Assateague Island Light (VA)
Asusak Island Light Atchafalaya (LA)
Atlantic Highlands Breakwater Light (NJ)
Aunt Phebe Rock Light (NY)
Au Sable Light (MI)
Avery Point Light (CT)
Avery Rock Light (ME)
Back River Light (VA)
Baily Creek Flats (VA)
Baileys Harbor Light (WI)
Baker Shoal Range (DE)
Bakers Island Light (MA)
Bakers Island Light (ME)
Bald Head Light (NC)
Baliz (LA)
Ballast Point (CA)
Baltimore Light (MD)
Baranofs Castle (AK)
Barataria Bay (LA)
Barbers Point Light (HI)
Barber's Point Light (NY)
Barcelona Harbor Light (NY)
Barnegat Light (NJ)
Bass Harbor Light (ME)
Bass River (MA)
Battery Gladden (AL)
Battery Point (CA)
Bay Furnace Light (MI)
Bayfield Light (WI)
Bayou Andre Light (LA)
Bayou Bonfouca (LA)
Bayou Rigolettes (LA)
Bayou St. John (LA)
Bear Island Light (ME)
Beaver Head Light (IL)
Beaver Island Light (MI)
Beavertail Light (RI)
Belhaven (NC)
Belle Isle Light (MI)
Bellevue Range Rear Light (DE)
Bells Rock Light (VA)
Bergen Point Light (NJ)
Big Bay Point Light (MI)
Big Sable Light (MI)
Billingsgate Light (MA)
Biloxi Light (MS)
Bird Island Light (MA)
Bishop & Clerks Light (MA)
Black Rock Harbor Lighthouse (CT)
Blakistone Island Light (MD)
Bligh Reef Light (AK)
Block Island Light (RI)
Block Island North Light (RI)
Block Island Southeast Light (RI)
Bloody Point Bar Light (MD)
Bloody Point Range Light (SC)
Blue Hill Bay Light (ME)
Bluff Point Light (NY)
Bluff Shoal Light (NC)
Boca Grande Rear Range (FL)
Bodie Island (NC)
Bois Blanc Light (MI)
Boliver Point Light (TX)
Bodkin Island Lighthouse (MD)
Bodkin Rock Light (CT)
Bonfouca Light (LA)
Boon Island (ME)
Boothbay Harbor (ME)
Borden Flats Light (MA)
Boston Light (MA)
Bowlers Rock Lighthouse (VA)
Braddock Point Light (NY)
Brandywine Shoal Light (NJ)
Brant Island Shoal Light (NC)
Brant Point Light (MA)
Brazos River (TX)
Brazos Santiago Light (TX)
Breakers Point Light (HI)
Brenton Reef Offshore Light (RI)
Brewerton Channel Range Light (VA)
Bridgeport Breakwater Light (CT)
Bridgeport Harbor Light (CT)
Bristol Ferry Light (RI)
Browns Head Light (ME)
Browns Point Light (WA)
Bryant Point Light (MA)
Buck Island Light (VI)
Buffalo Light (NY)
Buffalo Breakwater Lighthouse (NY)
Buffalo Harbor North Entrance Light (NY)
Buffalo Harbor South Entrance Light (NY)
Bullocks Point Light (RI)
Burlington Bank (NJ)
Burlington Breakwater North Light (VT)
Burlington Breakwater South Light (VT)
Burnt Coat Harbor Light (ME)
Burnt Island Light (ME)
Burrows Island Light (WA)
Busby Island Light (AK)
Butler Flats Light (MA)
Buzzards Bay Light (MA)
Cabeza de San Juan (PR)
Cabo Rojo (PR)
Cabo San Juan (PR)
Cabras Island Light (PR)
Calcasieu River (LA)
Calumet Harbor (IL)
Cana Island (WI)
Canton Island Boat Channel Light (Kiribati)
Canton Island (Phoenix Islands) Cape Ann (MA)
Cape Ann (Thatcher Island) (MA)
Cape Arago Light (OR)
Cape Blanco Light (OR)
Cape Canaveral (FL)
Cape Chacon (AK)
Cape Charles (VA)
Cape Cod Canal (MA)
Cape Cod Light (MA)
Cape Decision (AK)
Cape Disappointment (WA)
Cape Edgecombe (AK)
Cape Elizabeth (ME)
Cape Espenberg (AK)
Cape Fear (NC)
Cape Flattery (WA)
Cape Florida (FL)
Cape Hatteras (NC)
Cape Hanamanioa (HI)
Cape Henlopen (DE)
Cape Henry (VA)
Cape Hinchinbrook (AL)
Cape Horn Lights (?)
Cape Kumukahi (HI)
Cape Lookout (NC)
Cape Lynch Light (AK)
Cape Mala (CZ)
Cape May (NJ)
Cape Meares (OR)
Cape Mendochino (CA)
Cape Neddick (ME)
Cape Poge (MA)
Cape Rojo (PR)
Cape Romain (SC)
Cape Romano (FL)
Cape Saint Elias (AK)
Cape Saint George (FL)
Cape San Blas (FL)
Cape San Juan (PR)
Cape Sarichef (AK)
Cape Spartel (Morocco)
Cape Spencer (AK)
Cape Vincent Breakwater Lighthouse (NY)
Cape Vincent Breakwater West End Light (NY)
Cardona Island (PR)
Carleton Island (NY)
Carquinez Strait (CA)
Carrabelle (FL)
Carter H. Harrison Crib (IL)
Carysfort Reef (FL)
Castle Hill (RI)
Castle Rocks (MA)
Cat Island (MS)
Cattle Point (WA)
Cedar Island (NY)
Cedar Keys (FL)
Cedar Point (MI)
Chambers Island (WI)
Chandeleur Island (LA)
Channel Island Light (?)
Chapel Hill Front Light (NJ)
Chapel Hill Rear Range Light (NJ)
Chapin Island Range (AK)
Charity Island (MI)
Charleston (SC)
Charlevoix (MI)
Charlevoix South Pier Light (MI)
Charlotte Amalie (VI)
Charlotte Harbor (FL)
Charlotte-Genesse East Pier (NY)
Charlotte-Genesse (NY)
Charlotte-Genesee West Pier (NY)
Chatham Light (MA)
Cheboygan Main Light (MI)
Cheboygan Crib Light (MI)
Cheboygan Range Rear Light (MI)
Chefuncte River (see Tchefuncte)
Chequamegon Point Light (WI)
Cherry Island (DE)
Cherrystone Bar Light (VA)
Chesapeake (VA)
Chesapeake & Delaware Canal (MD/DE)
Chester Range Front Light (PA)
Chester Range Light (PA)
Chetco River Light (OR)
Chicago Harbor (IL)
Chicago Harbor Lighthouse (IL)
Chicago Pierhead Lighthouse (IL)
Choctaw Point (AL)
Choptank River (MD)
Christiana North Jetty (DE)
Clark’s Point Light (MA)
Clay Island Lighthouse (MD)
Cleveland East Pier Lighthouse (OH)
Cleveland East Pierhead Lighthouse (OH)
Cleveland Harbor East Breakwater Lighthouse (OH)
Cleveland Harbor West Pierhead Lighthouse (OH)
Cleveland Ledge (OH)
Clinton River (MI)
Clopper’s Bar (TX)
Cobb Point Bar (MD)
Cockspur Light (GA)
Coconut Point (HI)
Cohansey (NJ)
Colchester Reef (VT)
Cold Spring Harbor (NY)
Columbia River Lights (OR)
Colvos Passage (WA)
Coney Island (NY)
Conanicut Island (RI)
Concord Point (MD)
Conimicut (RI)
Conneaut West Breakwater Light (OH)
Conover Beacon (NJ)
Coos Bay (OR)
Copper Harbor (MI)
Coquille River (OR)
Corpus Christi (TX)
Cosgrove Shoal Light (FL)
Cottonwood Island (OR)
Courthouse Point (MD)
Cove Point (MD)
Coxsackie (NY)
Crabtree Ledge (ME)
Craighill Channel Lower Front Light (MD)
Craighill Channel Lower Rear Light (MD)
Cranberry Island (NS)
Craney Island (VA)
Crescent City (CA)
Crisp Point (MI)
Croatan Shoal (NC)
Crooked River (FL)
Crossover Island Lighthouse (NY)
Crown Point Light (NY)
Cross Ledge Light (NJ)
Cubits Gap (LA)
Cuckolds Light (ME)
Culebrita Island (PR)
Cumberland Head (NY)
Currituck Beach (NC)
Curtis Island (ME)
Cut-Off Channel Range Front Light Station (MD)
Cut-Off Channel Range Rear Light Station (MD)
Cuttyhunk (MA)
Dames Point (FL)
Danskammar (NY)
Daufuskie Island Front Range Light (SC)
Daufuskie Island Rear Range Light (SC)
Deepwater Point Range Front Lighthouse (NJ)
Deepwater Point Range Rear Lighthouse (NJ)
Deepwater Shoals (VA)
Deer Island (MA)
Deer Island Thorofare (ME)
Delaware Breakwater (DE)
Delaware Breakwater Front Range (DE)
Delaware Breakwater Rear Range (DE)
Derby Wharf (MA)
Desdemona Sands (OR)
Destruction Island (WA)
DeTour Reef (MI)
Detroit River (MI)
Devil’s Island (WI)
Dewey Rocks Light (AK)
Diamond Head (HI)
Diamond Island Ledge Light (ME)
Diamond Shoal (NC)
Dice Head (ME)
Dofflemeyer Point (WA)
Dog Island (FL)
Doubling Point (ME)
Drum Point (MD)
Drummond Island (MI)
Dry Spruce Island Rock (AK)
Dry Tortugas (FL)
Duck Island Range (MI)
Duck Point Light (?)
Duluth Harbor South Breakwater Inner Light (MN)
Duluth Northern Pier Light (MN)
Duluth Range Front Light (MN)
Duluth Range Rear Light (MN)
Dumpling Rock (MA)
Dunkirk (NY)
Dunkirk Pierhead Lighthouse (NY)
Dunlap Reef N.W. End Light (WI)
Dutch Gap Canal Lighthouse (VA)
Dutch Island (RI)
Duxbury Pier (MA)
Eagle Bluff (WI)
Eagle Harbor (MI)
Eagle Harbor Front Range Light (MI)
Eagle Harbor Rear Range Light (MI)
Eagle Island (ME)
Eagle River (MI)
East Brother Island (CA)
East Charity Shoal (NY)
East Chop (MA)
East Chugach (AK)
East Foreland (AK)
East Pascagoula (MS)
East Point (NJ)
East Rigolets (LA)
East & West Shoal (TX)
Eastern Entrance (MA)
Eastern Point (MA)
Eaton’s Neck (NY)
Eddystone (England)
Edgartown (MA)
Ediz Hook (WA)
Egg Island (NJ)
Egg Rock (ME)
Egg Rock (MA)
Egmont Key (FL)
Elbow of Cross Ledge (NJ)
Eldred Rock (AK)
Elizabeth Island (Bahamas)
Elfin Cove (AK)
Ellis Island (NY)
Elm Tree Range (NY)
Emms Rock (ME)
Enderbury Island (South Pacific)
Erie Point (PA)
Escanaba (MI)
Esopus Meadow (MA)
Eureka Pass Daybeacon (AK)
Execution Rocks (NY)
Fair Haven Range Lights (NY)
Fairhaven Bridge (MA)
Fairport Harbor Lighthouse (OH)
Fairport Harbor West Breakwater Lighthouse (OH)
Fairway Island (AK)
Falmouth Inner Harbor (MA)
False Point Daybeacon (?)
Farallon Island (CA)
Farmers Ridges Range (MI)
Faro de Arecibo Light (PR)
Faro de Los Morrillos Light (PR)
Faro de Puerto Ferro Light (PR)
Father Point (CA)
Faulkner Island (CT)
Fenwick Island (DE)
Finns Point Range Front Light (PA)
Finns Point Range Rear Light (PA)
Fire Island (NY)
Fisherman’s Point (Cuba)
Fisher’s Island (CT)
Fishing Battery (MD)
Five Fingers (AK)
Five Mile Island Light (CT)
Flag Island (MN)
Fleets Bay Light (VA)
Fletcher’s Neck (ME)
Fog Point Lighthouse (MD)
Foot Bank (?)
Foreign Light Stations
Foremost Rock Daybeacon (?)
Fort Adams (RI)
Fort Barrancas (FL)
Fort Carroll (MD)
Fort Delaware (DE)
Fort Foote Wharf (MD)
Fort Gratiot (WI)
Fort Jackson Range (GA)
Fort Jefferson (FL)
Fort Lafayette (NY)
Fort Louisa Augusta (VI)
Fort McCree (FL)
Fort McCree Rear Range Beacon (FL)
Fort Mifflin (PA)
Fort Niagara (NY)
Fort Pickering (MA)
Fort Point (CA)
Fort Point (ME)
Fort Point (TX)
Fort Ripley Shoal (SC)
Fort Scammel Point (ME)
Fort Sumter (SC)
Fort Tompkins (NY)
Fort Wadsworth (NY)
Fort Washington (NY)
Fort Wood (CT)
Found Island Rock Daybeacon (?)
Four Mile Crib (IL)
Fourteen Foot Bank (DE)
Fourteen Foot Shoal (MI)
Fourteen Mile Point (MI)
Forty Mile Point (MI)
Fox Island (CAN)
Fox River (WI)
Fowey Rocks (FL)
Frankfort Pierhead (MI)
Franklin Island (ME)
Franks Island (LA)
Fransen Island Range (MN)
Frechette Point (MI)
Frederiksted (VI)
Frost’s Point (NH)
Frying Pan Island (MI)
Frying Pan Shoals (NC)
Galloo Island (NY)
Gallups Island (MA)
Galveston (TX)
Gambier Bay Entrance Light (AK)
Garden Key (FL)
Gary (IN)
Gasparilla (FL)
Gaspee Point (RI)
Gastineau Channel Light (AK)
Gay Head (MA)
General History Genesee (NY)
George Island (?)
Georgetown (SC)
Gloucester Base (NJ)
Gloucester Breakwater (MA)
Glymont (MD)
Goat Island (ME)
Golovin Bay Light (AK)
Goose Rocks (ME)
Gould Island (RI)
Governors Island (NY)
Grand Haven Front Light (MI)
Grand Haven Rear Light (MI)
Grand Island Light Station (LA)
Grand Island East Channel (MI)
Grand Island Harbor Rear Range Light (MI)
Grand Island North Light (MI)
Grand Marais Harbor Range Lights (MN)
Grand Marais (MN)
Grand Traverse (MI)
Granite Island (MI)
Grant’s Pass (AL)
Grassy Hammock (CT)
Grassy Island North Channel Front Range (MI)
Grassy Island North Channel Rear Light (MI)
Grassy Island Range Lights (WI)
Grassy Island South Channel Front Light (MI)
Grassy Island South Channel Rear Light (MI)
Gravelly Shoal (MI)
Graves Ledge (ME)
Graves Light (MA)
Gray’s Harbor (WA)
Gray’s Reef (MI)
Great Aquavitae (MA)
Great Beds (NJ)
Great Captain Island (CT)
Great Duck Island (ME)
Great Harbor (MA)
Great Point (MA)
Great Salt Pond (RI)
Great Shoals (MD)
Great Wicomico (VA)
Green Bay (WI)
Green Island (OH)
Green Island (WI)
Greenbury Point (MD)
Greenbury Point Lighthouse Shoal (MD)
Greens Ledge (CT)
Grindle Point (MD)
Grosse Ile North Channel Range (MI)
Grosse Ile South Channel Front Range (MI)
Grosse Ile South Channel Rear Range (MI)
Grosse Point (IL)
Guanica (PR)
Guantanamo (Cuba)
Guard Island (AK)
Gull Island (MI)
Gull Rock (MI)
Gull Rocks (RI)
Gustavus Light (AK)
Haig Point (SC)
Halfmoon Bay (CA)
Halfmoon Reef (TX)
Halfmoon Shoal (TX)
Halfway Rock (ME)
Hamilton Island (CAN)
Hams Bluff (VI)
Hanamaioa (HI)
Hanapepe (HI)
Hanus Reef (AK)
Harbor Beach (MI)
Harbor Island (NC)
Harbor of Refuge (DE)
Hart’s Landing (MI)
Havre de Grace Light (MD)
Hawk Inlet East Shoal (AK)
Hawkins Point (MD)
Hawea Point (HI)
Head of the Passes (LA)
Heceta Head (OR)
Helm Bay (AK)
Hendricks Head (ME)
Hen and Chickens Shoal Light (FL)
Hereford Inlet (NJ)
Heron Neck (ME)
Hermanos Island Rear Daybeacon (AK)
High Island Light (TX)
Highland Light (MA)
Highwater Rock Daybeacon (AK)
Hillsboro Inlet (FL)
Hilton Head Range Light (SC)
Hive Island (AK)
Hog Island (MA)
Hog Island Shoal Light (RI)
Hog Rock Light (AK)
Holland Harbor (MI)
Holland Island Bar (MD)
Holmes Hale (MA)
Honolulu Harbor (HI)
Honolulu Harbor Range Front Light (HI)
Honolulu Harbor Range Rear Light (HI)
Hooper Island (MD)
Hooper Strait (MD)
Horn Island (MS)
Horseshoe Range East Group Lighthouse (PA)
Horseshoe Range West Group Lighthouse (PA)
Horseshoe Reef (NY)
Horton Point (NY)
Hospital Point Range Front Light (MA)
Hospital Point Range Rear Light (MA)
Hot Island Light (?)
Housatonic River (CT)
Houston Ship Channel (TX)
Howland Island (Pacific)
Hudson City (NY)
Humboldt Bar (CA)
Hunter Bay Daybeacon (WA)
Hunting Island (SC)
Huron Harbor (OH)
Huron Island (MI)
Hyannis Front Range (MA)
Hyannis Rear Range (MA)
Icy Passage Light (AK)
Ida Lewis Rock (RI)
Ilkognak Rock Light (AK)
Indian Island (ME)
Indian Point Range (MI)
Indiana Harbor East Breakwater (IN)
Indiana Waterway Light No. 49 (NC)
Inner Point Light (AK)
Ipswich Range (MA)
Isla Cabras Light (PR)
Isla Caja de Muertos (PR)
Isla Cardona (PR)
Isle au Haute (ME)
Isle aux Galets (MI)
Isle LaMotte (VT)
Isle of Shoals (NH)
Isle Royale (MI)
James Island (MD)
Jeffrey’s Hook (NY)
Jobos Harbor (PR)
Johnson Point (WA)
Jones Inlet (ME)
Jones Point (VA)
Jordan’s Point (VA)
Juniper Island Light (VT)
Jupiter Inlet (FL)
Kahoolawe Point (HI)
Kaena Point (HI)
Kahului Entrance Range (HI)
Kailua (HI)
Kalae (HI)
Kalamazoo (MI)
Kalaupapa (HI)
Kalgin Island (AK)
Karheen Passage Daybreak (AK)
Kasnyku Harbor Daybeacon (AK)
Kauhola Point (HI)
Kauiki (HI)
Kaula Rock (HI)
Kaumalapau (HI)
Kawaihae (HI)
Kauna Point (HI)
Keahole (HI)
Keku Strait Daybeacon (AK)
Kenosha (WI)
Kennebec River (ME)
Ketchikan-Thomas Basin (AK)
Ketchikan Light (AK)
Kewalo Basin (HI)
Kewaunee Pierhead (WI)
Keweenah Waterway (MI)
Keweenaw Lower Entrance (MI)
Keweenaw Upper Entrance (MI)
Key Reef Light (AK)
Key West (FL)
Khantaak Island (AK)
Kilauea (HI)
Killock Shoal (VA)
Kingston Flats (NY)
Kinkora (NJ)
Klawak Island Light (AK)
Klokachee Lamp (?)
Kokole Point (HI)
Kuhio Bay (HI)
Kukuihaele (HI)
La Pointe (WI)
Lae o Ha Laau Point (HI)
Lahaina (HI)
Lake Borgne (MS)
Lake Pontchartrain (LA)
Lake St. Clair (MI)
Lake St. George (FL)
Lake Worth Inlet (FL)
Lambert Point (VA)
Lansing Shoal (MI)
Larzatita Island Reef Light (AK)
Latimer Reef (NY)
Laupahoehoe Point (HI)
Laurel Point (NC)
Lauu Point (HI)
Lazaretto Point (MD)
Leading Point (MD)
Lehigh (NJ)
Lehua Island (HI)
Lewis Reef (AK)
Libby Island (ME)
Lime Kiln (WA)
Lime Point (CA)
Lincoln Rock (AK)
Liston Range Front Lighthouse (DE)
Liston Range Rear Lighthouse (DE)
Little Creek (?)
Little Cumberland Island (GA)
Little Gull Island (NY)
Little Mark Island (ME)
Little Rapids Cut (MI)
Little River (ME)
Little Sable Point (MI)
Little Traverse (MI)
Lloyd Harbor (NY)
Long Beach (CA)
Long Beach Bar (NY)
Long Island Head (MA)
Long Point (MA)
Long Point (NC)
Long Shoal (NC)
Long Tail Point (WI)
Looe Key (FL)
Lorain West (OH)
Los Angeles (CA)
Love Point (MD)
Lovells Island (MA)
Low Point (CAN)
Lower Cedar Point (MD)
Lower Little Island (NY)
Lower Range (MA)
Lower Thoroughfare Range (MD)
Lubec Channel (ME)
Ludington (MI)
Ludlam Beach (NJ)
Lynde Point (CT)
Lynn Harbor (MA)
Machias Seal (CAN)
Mackinac Point (MI)
Magothy River (MD)
Mahon River (DE)
Mahukona (HI)
Makapu'u Point (HI)
Manana Island (ME)
Manistee (MI)
Manistee North Pierhead (MI)
Manistique (MI)
Manitou Island (MI)
Manitowoc (WI)
Manitowoc North Breakwater (WI)
Manitowoc North Pierhead (WI)
Mantua Creek (NJ)
Maplin Sand Light (England)
Marblehead (OH)
Marblehead (MA)
Marcus Hook (DE)
Mare Island (CA)
Marine City Range Light (MI)
Marquette Light (MI)
Marquette Breakwater (MI)
Mark Abbott Memorial Lighthouse (CA)
Marrowstone Point (CT)
Marshall Point Light (ME)
Martin Reef (MI)
Mary Island (AK)
Maryland Point (MD)
Matagorda Bay Light (TX)
Mathias Point Shoal Light (MD)
Matinicus Rock Light (ME)
Mattituck (NY)
Maumee Bay (OH)
Maurice River (NJ)
Maxfield Point (VT)
Maxwell Point Light (SC)
Mayo Beach (MA)
McClellan Rock Light (AK)
McGregor Point Daybeacon (HI)
McGulpin Point (MI)
Meares Island (CAN)
Mendenhall Bar (AK)
Mendota Light (MI)
Menominee Pierhead Light (WI)
Meriches Light (NY)
Merrill Shell Bank (MS)
Merrimac (WI)
Metomkin Point (VA)
Miah Maull Shoal Light (NJ)
Michigan City Light (IN)
Michigan Island (WI)
Middle Bay (AL)
Middle Island (MI)
Middle Neebish (MI)
Midway Rock Light (CA)
Mile Rocks Light (CA)
Milolii (HI)
Milwaukee Breakwater (WI)
Milwaukee Pierhead (WI)
Minneapolis Shoals (MI)
Minnesota Point (MN)
Minor Island (WA)
Minor Island/Tansy Point (WA)
Minot’s Ledge (MA)
Mispillion River (DE)
Mission Point (MI)
Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MS)
Mite Head (?)
Mitrofania Island (AK)
Mobile Bay (AL)
Mobile Point (AL)
Mobile Point Range Rear Light (AL)
Molasses Reef (FL)
Molokai (HI)
Molokini Light (HI)
Mona Island (PR)
Monhegan Island (ME)
Montreal River Light (MI)
Monroe (MI)
Monroe Pier (MI)
Monomoy Point Light (MA)
Montauk Point (NY)
Moos Head (OR)
Moose Peak (ME)
Morgan Point (CT)
Morris Island (SC)
Morro Bay (CA)
Mosquito Bank Light (FL)
Moss Landing (CA)
Mount Desert Island Light (ME)
Mud Island Rear Light (PA)
Muertos Island (PR)
Mukilteo Light (WA)
Mule Rock (AK)
Mulholland Point (CAN)
Munising Range (MI)
Murderkill River Range Front (DE)
Murphy’s Dock Light (?)
Muscle Bed Shoal (RI)
Muskegon South Pierhead (MI)
Myhlen Feldt Point (VI)
Matomkin Light (VA)
Nakalele Point (HI)
Nansemond River (VA)
Nanticoke River (MD)
Nantucket Cliff Range Lights (MA)
Nantucket Range Lights (MA)
Napoopoo (HI)
Narranguagus Bay (ME)
Narrow Point (AK)
Narrows Light (MA)
Nash Island (ME)
Natchez (MS)
Nauset (MA)
Navassa Island (West Indies)
Navesink (NJ)
Nawilliwilli Harbor Light (HI)
Nayatt Point Light (RI)
Neches River (TX)
Ned Point (MA)
Neuse River Light (NC)
New Canal (LA)
New Castle Range Front Lighthouse (DE)
New Castle Range Rear Lighthouse (DE)
New Dorp (NY)
New Dungeness (WA)
New Haven (Outer Breakwater) (CT)
New Haven Harbor (CT)
New London Harbor (CT)
New London Ledge (CT)
New Point Comfort (VA)
New Presque Isle (MI)
Newark Bay (NJ)
Newbern Harbor (NC)
Newburyport Harbor (MA)
Newburyport Harbor Range Light (MA)
Newcastle Range (DE)
Newport Beach (CA)
Newport Harbor (RI)
Newport News (VA)
Newport Wharf Light (VT)
Niagara-on-the Lake (NY)
Niblack Daybeach (AK)
Nobska Point (MA)
North Brother Island (NY)
North Dumpling Light (NY)
Northeast Corner (?)
North Head (WA)
North Hook Fog Signal (NJ)
North Inian Pass (AK)
North Landing River Beacon (VA)
North Manitou Island (MI)
North Manitou Shoal (MI)
North Pier (PA)
North Point (WI)
North Point Range (MD)
North River Bar (NC)
Northwest Passage (FL)
Oak Island (NC)
Oak Orchard (NY)
Oakland Harbor (CA)
Ocean Cape (AK)
Ocracoke (NC)
Ogdensburg Harbor (NY)
Old Field Point (NY)
Old Mission Point (MI)
Old Orchard Shoal (NY)
Old Plantation Flats (VA)
Old Point Comfort (VA)
Old Reedy Island (DE)
Old Sodus Point (MI)
Ontonagon (MI)
Oregon Inlet (NC)
Orient Point Light (NY)
Oswego Light (NY)
Otstota Island (AK)
Owls Head (ME)
Outer Island Light (WI)
Oyster Bayou (LA)
Pacific Reef Light (FL)
Pages Rock (VA)
Pago Pago (American Samoa)
Palaoa Point (HI)
Palmer's Island (MA)
Pamlico Point (NC)
Pascagoula (MS)
Pass a l’Outre (LA)
Pass Christian Light (MS)
Pass Manchac (LA)
Passage Island (MI)
Passaic Light (NJ)
Pastol Bay (AK)
Patos Light (WA)
Paukaa Point (HI)
Pauwela Point (HI)
Paymyra Light (NJ)
Pea Patch Island (DE)
Peche Isle Range (MI)
Pearse Canal (AK)
Pearl River (LA)
Peck’s Ledge (CT)
Peep Rock Light (AK)
Pelican City (AK)
Pelican Shoal (FL)
Pemaquid (ME)
Penfield Reef (CT)
Peninsula Point (MI)
Pensacola Bar Beacon (FL)
Pensacola Light (FL)
Pentwater Pierhead (MI)
Pepe'ekeo Point (HI)
Perkins Island (ME)
Perry Island Light (AK)
Perry Victory and International Peace Memorial Light (OH)
Petit Manan Light (ME)
Pharos of Alexandria (Egypt)
Piedras Blancas (CA)
Pigeon Point (CA)
Pillar Point (NZ)
Pilot Island (WI)
Piney Point (MD)
Pipe Island (WI)
Plattsburg Beacon (NY)
Plum Beach (RI)
Plum Island (NY)
Plum Island Range Front Light (WI)
Plum Island Range Rear Light (WI)
Plymouth (aka Gurnet) (MA)
Poe Reef (MI)
Point Adams (OR)
Point Alexander Light (CAN)
Point Allerton (CAN)
Point Ancon Light (?)
Point Arden (AK)
Point (Puenta) Arena (CA)
Point Arguello (CA)
Point Augusta (AK)
Point au Fer (LA)
Point Aux Barques (MI)
Point Aux Herbes (LA)
Point Aux Roche (NY)
Point Baker (AK)
Point Betsie (MI)
Point Blunt (CA)
Point Bolivar (TX)
Point Bonita (CA)
Point (Puenta)
Point Borinquen (PR)
Point Cabrillo (CA)
Point Colpoys Light (AK)
Point Conception (CA)
Point Defer (LA)
Point Diablo (CA)
Point Erie (PA)
Point Fermin (CA)
Point Figuras (PR)
Point Gambier (?)
Point Grenville (WA)
Point Harris (CA)
Point Hilda (AK)
Point Higuero (PR)
Point Hudson (WA)
Point Hueneme (CA)
Point Iroquois (MI)
Point Judith (RI)
Point Jiguero (PR)
Point Light (?)
Point Loma (CA)
Point Lookout (MD)
Point Montara (CA)
Point Macartney (?)
Point Mulas (PR)
Point No Point (MD)
Point No Point (WA)
Point Orchard (WA)
Point of Shoals (VA)
Point Pigal (AK)
Point Pinos (CA)
Point Retreat (AK)
Point Reyes (CA)
Point Robinson (WA)
Point Sal (CA)
Point Sherman (AK)
Point Sur (CA)
Point Tuna (PR)
Point Vicente (CA)
Point Wilson (WA)
Pollock Rip Beacon (MA)
Pomham Rocks (RI)
Ponce de Leon (FL)
Ponce Harbor Front Range (PR)
Pond Island (ME)
Pooles Island Bar (MD)
Poplar Point (RI)
Port Alexander Rear Range (AK)
Port Austin Reef (MI)
Port Canaveral (FL)
Port Clinton (OH)
Port Ferro (PR)
Port Isabel (TX)
Port Mansfield (TX)
Port Ponce (PR)
Port Pontchartrain (LA)
Port Protection Light (AK)
Port Sanilac (MI)
Port San Juan (PR)
Port Washington (WI)
Port Washington Breakwater (WI)
Port Washington Pierhead (WI)
Portage River (MI)
Portage Lake (MI)
Portage Lake Ship Canal (MI)
Portland Breakwater (ME)
Portland Harbor (NY)
Portland Head (ME)
Portsmouth Harbor (NH)
Port Tongass (AK)
Pottawatomie (WI)
Poverty Island (MI)
Povoronti Island (AK)
Presque Isle (ME)
Presque Isle Front Range (MI)
Presque Isle (PA)
Presque Isle North Pierhead (PA)
Presque Isle Rear Range (MI)
Presque Isle Harbor (ME)
Price's Creek (NC)
Priest Rock (WA)
Princes Bay (NY)
Proctorville (LA)
Prospect Harbor (ME)
Prudence Island Light (RI)
Puerto Ferro (PR)
Pulaski Shoal (FL)
Pumpkin Island Light (ME)
Pungoteague Light (VA)
Punta Gorda (CA)
Punta Del Ano Nuevo (CA)
Pyramid Rock (HI)
Quinta Sueno (DR)
Quoddy Head Light (MA)
Race Point (MA)
Race Rock (NY)
Racine North Breakwater (WI)
Racine Harbor (WI)
Racine Pierhead (WI)
Racine Reef (WI)
Ragged Point (MD)
Ragged Point (VA)
Ram Island (ME)
Ram Island Ledge (ME)
Raritan Bay & River Lights (NJ)
Raspberry Island (WI)
Raspberry Strait (AK)
Rawley Point Light (WI)
Rebecca Shoal (FL)
Red Fish Bar Cut Light (TX)
Redfish Bar Lighthouse (TX)
Reedy Island Range Front (DE)
Reedy Island Range Rear (DE)
Reef Island (?)
Rice Point Light (CAN)
Riverton Light (NJ)
Roanoke Marshes (NC)
Roanoke River (NC)
Robbins Reef (NJ)
Rock Harbor (MI)
Rock Island (NY)
Rock of Ages (MI)
Rockaway Point Breakwater (NY)
Rockland Breakwater (ME)
Rocky Island (CA)
Rocky Point (CAN)
Roe Island (CA)
Romer Shoal (NJ)
Rondout Creek (NY)
Roosevelt Inlet Range (DE)
Root River (WI)
Rose Island (RI)
Rouleau Point Range (MI)
Rouleau Point Range Front (MI)
Rouleau Point Range Rear (MI)
Round Beach Light (CT)
Round Island (MS)
Round Island Passage (MI)
Round Island St. Ignace (MI)
Round Island St. Mary's (MI)
Round Point (TX)
Round Rock (TX)
Rugged Island (AK)
Sabine Bank (TX)
Sabine Pass (LA)
Sabine Pass East Jetty (TX)
Sabine Pass Jetty Range (TX)
Sabin Point (RI)
Sackets Harbor (NY)
Saginaw River Rear Range (MI)
Saddleback Ledge (ME)
St. Andrews Bay (FL)
St. Augustine (FL)
St. Clair Flats Canal River (MI)
St. Clair Flats Light Station (MI)
St. Clair Flats Range Front (MI)
St. Clair Flats Range Rear (MI)
St. Croix River (ME)
St. George Reef (CA)
St. Helena Island (MI)
St. James (MI)
St. John’s (FL)
St. Johns River (FL)
St. Joseph’s Island (MS)
St. Joseph North Pier (MI)
St. Joseph Point Front Range (FL)
St. Joseph Point Rear Range (FL)
St. Lawrence (CAN/NY)
St. Louis (MN)
St. Marks (FL)
St. Martin Island (MI)
St. Mary’s River Lower Front Range (MI)
St. Mary's River Lower Rear (MI)
St. Simons (GA)
Sakonnet (RI)
Salem River Range Front (NJ)
Salmon River (NY)
Saluria (TX)
Saltery Cove (?)
San Diego Bay (CA)
San Luis Obispo (CA)
Sand Hills (MI)
Sand Island (AL)
Sand Island (WI)
Sand Key (FL)
Sand Point (Baraga, MI)
Sand Point (Escanaba, MI)
Sands Point (NY)
Sandusky Bay Front Range (OH)
Sandusky Bay Rear Range (OH)
Sandusky Harbor Pierhead (OH)
Sandy Hook (NJ)
Sandy Point Shoal (MD)
Sandy Neck (MA)
Sanibel Island (FL)
Sankaty Head Light (MA)
Santa Barbara (CA)
Santa Barbara Breakwater (CA)
Santa Cruz (CA)
Santa Monica (CA)
Sapelo Island (GA)
Saugerties (NY)
Saugatuck South Pierhead (MI)
Savannah (GA)
Saybrook Breakwater (CT)
Schooner Ledge Rear Range (PA)
Scituate (MA)
Schuylkill River Jetty (PA)
Schuylkill River Range (PA)
Scotch Cap (AK)
Sea Gate (NY)
Sea Girt (NJ)
Seaflower Reef Daybeacon (NY)
Seal Rocks (CA)
Seldovia Entrance (AK)
Semiahoo (WA)
Sentinel Island (AK)
Seguin (ME)
Seul Choix Pointe (MI)
Seven Foot Knoll (MD)
Shakan Strait Daybeacon (?)
Shaktoolik River Entrance (AK)
Sharkfin Shoal (MD)
Sharps Island (MD)
Sheboygan Pierhead (WI)
Sheffield Island (CT)
Shell Keys (LA)
Sherwood Point (WI)
Shinnecock (NY)
Ship Island (AK)
Ship Island (MS)
Ship John Shoal (NY)
Ship Shoal (LA)
Shoal Island Light (CAN)
Signal Island (?)
Sister Islands (NY)
Sisters Island Light (NY)
Skagway Breakwater (AK)
Skin Island Light (?)
Skunk Bay (WA)
Slip Point (WA)
Smith Island (WA)
Smith Point (VA)
Smith Shoal (FL)
Smyrna River Range (DE)
Sodus Point (NY)
Sodus Outer Lighthouse (NY)
Solomons Lump (MD)
Sombrero Key (FL)
Somers Cove (MD)
South Bass Island (OH)
South Brother Island Channel Range (NY)
South Buffalo (NY)
South Cove Entrance Range (?)
South Craig Point Daybeacon (AK)
South Fox Island (MI)
South Haven Pier Light (MI)
South Head (CAN)
South Kaigani Harbor (AK)
South Manitou (MI)
South Pass (LA)
South Pass East Jetty (LA)
South Pass West Jetty (LA)
South Point (CA)
South Point Light (HI)
South Point Royal Shoal (NC)
South Reef (LA)
Southampton Shoals (CA)
Southport (WI)
Southwest Cape (FL)
Southwest Cape (VI)
Southwest Ledge (CT)
Southwest Pass (LA)
Southwest Pass Light (LA)
Southwest Reef (LA)
Spanish Island Light (WA)
Sparrows Point Light (MD)
Spasskaia Island (AK)
Spectacle Island Range (MA)
Spectacle Reef (MI)
Split Rock (MN)
Split Rock Point (NY)
Spring Point Ledge (ME)
Squaw Island (MI)
Squaw Point (MI)
Squirrel Point (ME)
Stage Harbor (MA)
Stamford Harbor (CT)
Stannard Rock (MI)
Star Point Light (?)
Staten Island (NY)
Statue of Liberty (NY)
Steamer Point Light (AK)
Stepping Stones (NY)
Stingray Point (VA)
Stonington Harbor (CT)
Stony Point (NY – Hudson)
Stony Point (NY – Lake Ontario)
Stowl Point Light (?)
Straitsmouth (MA)
Stratford Point (CT)
Stratford Shoal (NY)
Strawberry Island Upper Cut Range (NY)
Strawberry Island Upper Cut Range Rear (NY)
Sturgeon Bay Canal & Pierhead Lights (WI)
Sturgeon Bay Canal North Pierhead (WI)
Sturgeon Point (MI)
Stuyvesant (NY)
Sukoi Islet (AK)
Sullivans Island South Range Front Light (SC)
Sunken Meadows (NY)
Sunken Rock (NY)
Superior Entry South Breakwater (WI)
Superior Entry Breakwater Lighthouse (WI)
Swallow Head Light (?)
Swanson Harbor Light (AK)
Swash (TX)
Swash Channel Range Front (NY)
Sweeper Cove Jetty Light (AK)
Sweets Point Light (OH)
Table Bluff (CA)
Table Island Light (Myanmar)
Tail Point (WI)
Tangier Sound (VA)
Tarpaulin Cove (MA)
Tarrytown (NY)
Tawas Point (MI)
Taylorsport Lighthouse (IL)
Tchefuncte River (LA)
Tee Harbor Light (MA)
Ten Pound Island (MA)
Tenants Harbor (ME)
Tennessee Reef (FL)
Thacher’s Island Twin Lights (MA)
Thimble Shoals (VA)
Thirty Mile Point (NY)
Thomas Basin (AK)
Thomas Point Shoals (MD)
Three Hill Light (?)
Three Sisters Island (NY)
Three Sisters of Nauset (MA)
Throgs Neck (NY)
Thunder Bay Island (MI)
Tibbetts Point (NY)
Tiger Shoal (FL)
Tilgham Island (MD)
Tillamook Rock (OR)
Timbalier Bay (CA)
Tinicum Island Front Range (NJ)
Tinicum Island Rear Range (NJ)
Tolchester Beach (MD)
Toledo Harbor (OH)
Tongass Reef (AK)
Tortugas Harbor (FL)
Tree Point (AK)
Trinidad Head (CA)
Trinity Shoal (LA)
Tue Marshes (VA)
Turkey Point (NY)
Turkey Point Light (MD)
Turn Point (WA)
Turnabout Island (AK)
Turning Island Light (CAN)
Turning Point Beacon (FL)
Turtle Island (OH)
Twin Lights/Three Sisters (MA)
Two Bush Island (ME)
Two Harbors (MN)
Two Rivers (WI)
Two Tree Island Light (UK)
Tybee (GA)
Tybee Island Range Front (GA)
Umpqua River (OR)
Unalakleet (AK)
Upper Cedar Point (MD)
Valdez Harbor Entrance South Light (AK)
Vanderbilt Reef (AK)
Vank Island Light (AK)
Venus Point (GA)
Vermillion (OH)
Vermillion Bay (LA)
Vichnefski Rock Light (AK)
Vidal Shoals Light (MI)
View Cove Harbor Light (?)
Village Island Light (CAN)
Village Point Daybeacon (?)
Volusia Bar (FL)
Wachapreague Light (VA)
Wade Point (NC)
Waiakea (HI)
Warwick (RI)
Watch Hill (RI)
Watervliet (NY)
Watts Island (VA)
Waugoshance (MI)
Waukeegan (IL)
West Bank (NY)
West Chop (MA)
West Point (WA)
West Point (NY)
West Rigolets (LA)
West Quoddy Head (ME)
West Sister Island (OH)
Weymouth Fore River (MA)
Whale Island Light (NZ?)
Whale Rock (RI)
Whaleback (NH)
White Cliff Island (?)
White River (MI)
White Rocks (VA)
White Shoal (VA)
White Shoals (MI)
Whitefish Point (MI)
Whitehall Narrows (NY)
Whitehead Island (ME)
Whitestone Point (NY)
Whitlock Mills (ME)
Wickford Harbor (RI)
Willamette River (OR)
Willapa Bay (WA)
Wind Point (WI)
Windham Bay Narrows (AK)
Windmill Point (MI)
Windmill Point (VA)
Windmill Point (VT)
Windward Point (Cuba)
Wings Neck (MA)
Winter Harbor (ME)
Winthrop (MA)
Wolf Trap (VA)
Womans Bay Entrance Light (AK)
Wood End (MA)
Wood Island (ME)
Woronkofshi Point Daybeacon (?)
Wrangell Breakwater Light (AK)
Wrangell Narrows Light (AK)
Wyandotte (MI)
Wychmere Harbor Jetty Light (MA)
Yaquina Bay (OR)
Yaquina Head (OR)
Yellow Point Light (AK)
Yerba Buena (CA)
York River (VA)
York Spit Light (MA)
1. Historic lighthouse drawing, 2. Boston Light [170602-G-0Y189-474], 3. Sand Key [170602-G-0Y189-329], 4. Brazo Santiago [170602-G-0Y189-489], 5. Punta de Los Reyes [170602-G-0Y189-282]
Additional Resources: Please visit the National Park Service Maritime Heritage Program's website for a searchable inventory of Historic Lighthouses and Light Stations:
Lighthouse materials available here are an expanded version of the National Park Service's Inventory of Historic Light Stations. This site incorporates the National Park Service's Inventory as well as light station files that are maintained by the Coast Guard Historian's Office. A special thanks is owed to Ms. Candace Clifford of the National Maritime Initiative and author of the Inventory of Historic Light Stations for her permission to utilize the Inventory.
The majority of the photos were taken from the files of the U.S. Coast Guard Historians' Office. They were compiled and scanned by Mr. Joseph Kiebish, and we wish to acknowledge his generous assistance and thank him for his service as a volunteer.
Additional information as well as the history for each lighthouse is provided courtesy of volunteers from the Chesapeake Chapter of the U.S. Lighthouse Society, including Anne Puppa, William Simms, Melissa Buckler, Marie Vincent, Catherine Price, Diane Hackney and Matthew B. Jenkins. We gratefully acknowledge their efforts as well
Newport News Middle Ground Light Station
Sparkplug style lighthouse built in 1891.
Name of Lighthouse: Newport News Middle Ground Location: Hampton Roads, VA Date Built: 1891 Type of Structure: Cast Iron circular structure sitting atop a wooden caisson Operational: Yes Date Automated: 1954 Deactivated: No Height: 35’ Foghorn: Stevens machine striking bell. Original signal double blow ever 15 sec. Changed to single blow every 15 sec in 1954. Builder: Appropriation: $50,000.00 Foundation Material: Wooden caisson Construction Material: Cast Iron Tower Shape: cylindrical Relationship to Other Structure: Integral Original Lens: Fourth Order Fresnel Characteristics: Fixed white varied by white flash every 20 sec. Range: Status: Active
Historical Information:
The above was researched and drafted by Anne Puppa, a Chesapeake Chapter of the U.S. Light House Society volunteer.
Newport News Middle Ground Light Station's National Register of Historic Places Nomination
1. Name of Property
historic name: Newport News Middle Ground Light Station
other names/site number:
2. Location
street & number: N/A not for publication: N/A
city or town: near Newport News vicinity X
state: Virginia code: VA county: Newport News code: 700
zip code: N/A
3. State/Federal Agency Certification
As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1986, as amended, I hereby certify that this nomination and request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property meets the National Register Criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant statewide. (___ See continuation sheet for additional comments.)
Captain, U. S. Coast Guard,
Chief, Office of Civil Engineering 2/22/02
Signature of certifying official Date
Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard
State or Federal agency and bureau
In my opinion, the property ____ meets ____ does not meet the National Register criteria. (___ See continuation sheet for additional comments.)
______________________________________ __________________
Signature of commenting or other official Date
4. National Park Service Certification
I, hereby certify that this property is:
____ entered in the National Register ______________________
___ See continuation sheet.
____ determined eligible for the ______________________
National Register
____ determined not eligible for the ______________________
____ removed from the National Register ______________________
____ other (explain): _________________
__________________________________ ______________________
Signature of Keeper Date of Action
5. Classification
Ownership of Property (Check as many boxes as apply)
___ private
___ public-local
___ public-State
X public-Federal
Category of Property (Check only one box)
___ building(s)
___ district
___ site
X structure
___ object
Number of Resources within Property
Contributing Noncontributing
_____ _____ buildings
_____ _____ sites
1 _____ structures
_____ _____ objects
1 0 Total
Number of contributing resources previously listed in the National Register 0
Name of related multiple property listing: Light Stations in the United States
6. Function or Use
Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions)
Cat: transportation Sub: water-related
Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions)
7. Description
Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions): No Style
Materials (Enter categories from instructions):
foundation: wood caisson with cast iron cylinder
roof: metal
walls: metal
Narrative Description (Describe the historic and current condition of the property.)1
Description Summary
The Newport News Middle Ground Lighthouse, completed and lit in 1891, rests on a wooden caisson, which supports a round 25-foot-diameter and 56-feet-in-height cast-iron foundation cylinder. The integral tower/dwelling is a cast-iron, three-story conical-shaped superstructure, 29 feet in height and 21 feet in diameter at the base. The structure is painted red. Upon this superstructure, is mounted a one-story circular watch room, also painted red, surmounted by an octagonal lantern, painted black. The lighthouse is located in about 15 feet of water, on the west end of Newport News Middle Ground, Hampton Roads, and Newport News, Virginia. Owned and managed by the U.S. Coast Guard in District 5, access to the station is via boat.
General Description
Newport News Middle Ground Lighthouse was constructed using caisson foundation. The base of a cast-iron cylinder was fitted with a wooden caisson; this assemblage was then towed to the required location and sunk. As additional tiers of cast-iron plates where attached, the cylinder filled with concrete causing it to sink into the bottom and form a stable foundation. In the upper portion of the cylinder, a lower level or cellar, lined with brick masonry, was constructed. These masonry walls supported the cast-iron integral dwelling/tower, which takes the form of a truncated cone. The diameter of the tower is 21 feet at the base and the caisson diameter is 25 feet, providing space for a gallery cantilevered beyond the cylinder and supported by cast iron brackets. The 3-story dwelling/tower is surmounted with a round watch room and an octagonal-shaped lantern. A middle gallery surrounds the watch room, and an upper gallery surrounds the lantern. The entire structure has a slight tilt toward the east. Newport News Middle Ground Lighthouse is similar in design to Hooper Island Lighthouse, Maryland, both built in the Chesapeake Bay.
The cylinder, dwelling/tower, and watch room are painted red, and the lantern is painted black. The structure retains the roof over the lower gallery, an original feature once common to many caisson-type lighthouses, but removed in most cases (Thimble Shoal also retains this lower gallery roof). Lighthouses of this general appearance are commonly referred to as "spark plugs."
The wood caisson is sunk approximately 34 feet into the bottom. On this caisson is bolted the 56-foot-tall cast-iron-plate cylinder, of which, only the upper approximate 15 feet is visible above the high waterline. Fastened brackets along the upper tier of plates support the cantilevered lower gallery deck. The gallery deck consists of cast-iron diamond-pattern plates. A pipe rail surrounds the lower gallery. The rails are attached to 3 1/4-inch-diameter decorative cast-iron columns, which also support the gallery roof gooseneck support beams. The columns are spaced approximately on 7-foot centers. Presently, there are two round gallery rails equally spaced above one another. Originally there were three pipe rails; the lowest rail is now missing. The original (or at least early) diameter of the rail is 1 7/8-inch, but more recent replacement rail consists of 2 3/4-inch-diameter pipe. A thin wedge of concrete covers the joint between where the tower rises from the gallery deck. This was presumably added to stop water penetration along this seam. Two davits, landing platforms, and ladders were once located on the north and south side of the gallery deck, but only the ladder on the south side remains.
Access to the lower level is via an 11-step cast-iron staircase located just to the left of the entrance foyer on the first level. The staircase wraps along the interior masonry lining and is constructed of diamond pattern tread and stringer sections that are bolted together to achieve the required height. A pipe handrail is located on the inner side of the staircase. Located in the center of the lower level is an 11-inch-diameter hollow iron support column, which also provided the free fall for the counterweight of the mechanical fog bell-striking device located in the watch room. The column's primary function was to carry the floor loads of the superstructure. The top of the column supports pie-shaped radial iron plates that have been bolted together at integral flanges that are turned upward. Some of the piping from the gutter system that filled water into the cistern and piping for getting water up to the kitchen is still in place.
There are three window alcoves and three storage rooms. The wooden doors to the storage rooms have been removed. The coal storage room still has part of the coal-loading vent intact in the ceiling. The outer walls and floors are concrete. The partition walls are made from 7 1/4-inch-wide beaded horizontal boards.
Dwelling/Tower, Exterior
The conical superstructure is constructed of cast-iron plates. The tower consists of cast-iron plates bolted together at the integral flanges, which are turned inward. The plates measure 4 feet by 94 inches. Cantilevered brackets attached to the top of the dwelling/tower support the watch-level gallery deck, which is cantilevered outward. Directly below the sill of the second-floor windows, there is a small lip bolted to the iron plates that support the gallery roof. Below the iron lip are goose necked radial roof beams on 2-foot centers attached to the superstructure and balustrade columns. Rather plain cast-iron pediments surround all the five window openings on the structure. There are three window openings on the first level, north, east and west; and two openings on the second level, east and west. The first level window pediments measure 36 by 71 inches and the window openings 25 1/2 by 57 1/2 inches. The pediments on the first level are arched at the top; the pediments on the second level are square. The windows on the second level were originally two-over-two wood sash. All the windows including the jambs, sills, and sashes have been removed and covered with metal on the exterior. The third level has five porthole-type windows, also covered. The entrance door at the first level is located on the south side, which like the windows has a cast-iron pediment with a diamond pattern threshold. The original four-panel wood door has been replaced with a flat metal door fitted into a wood jamb.
Dwelling/Tower, Interior
Immediately inside the entrance foyer, the stairwell to the upper levels is located off to the right and the living quarters straight ahead (to the left the stairwell continues to the cellar). The flooring at this first level is covered with tile. The inside of the exterior wall is lined with brick and partition walls with sheet metal. A brick flue runs up through all three levels for heating purposes. The wall of the stairway is lined with sheet metal on the inner side and brick on the outer side. The 11 steps plus a landing to the second level have diamond pattern iron treads and risers that are bolted to the iron plate wall and are pocketed into the masonry lining.
At the second level, the window lentils and sills have been removed. The floors are wood and the ceilings are sheet metal. The stairwell is covered with wood paneling with closets made under and over the stairwell. All the doors are missing.
There are 11 steps to the third level. The walls are sheet metal, and the floors and ceilings are wood. Fenestration at this level has five round porthole-type windows. The original window frames have been removed, and the openings have been covered with clear acrylic. The masonry openings in the lining are square and have wood trim. The openings are approximately 132 inches in diameter. The ceiling at this level consists of beaded boards nailed against sleepers anchored between the flanges of the deck plates above.
There are 9 steps from the third level to a square trap door at the watch room. The interior iron deck has a diamond plate surface. The central iron column support located from the cellar to the third level does not continue to the watch room. The fog bell was originally located here. The walls and ceilings of the room are lined with 3-inch beaded tongue-and-grove paneling. All the trim is intact. There is a double metal door to the watch room gallery deck; they appear to be original. The gallery rail has three rails supported by 1 5/8-inch-diameter balustrades topped by 2 3/4-inch-diameter finial balls. All three rails are made from 2- by 1/2-inch flat bar stock. Balusters between the middle and lower rail are 5/8-inch diameters.
The exterior deck plates at the watch level are also diamond plate. The watch deck cantilevers over the edge of the tower. Decorative iron brackets support the cantilevered deck. The watch room is constructed of flanged iron plates similar to the tower. A wooden block for the bell striker is still intact on the watch room floor. The position of the 8-step iron ladder to the lantern room appears to have been extended to make the angle less acute.
The hatchway to the octagonal-shaped lantern is fitted with an iron trap door. The lantern level deck plates are diamond pattern. An iron pedestal, which is not original, is present but no lens is located within the lantern. There are four ventilator openings in the parapet wall, but the interior brass regulator covers are missing. The lantern panes have been replaced with Lexan. Curtain hooks are present on the inside of the lantern.
Access to the lantern gallery is via a double iron door, which appears to be original. The gallery rail consists of only a 1 3/4 - by 1/2-inch flat bar rail supported by eight 1-inch-diameter posts located on 5-foot centers. The exterior of the lantern is painted black. The cast-iron roof of the lantern is round and the underside of the roof is lined with sheet metal. A vent at the peak of the ceiling allows for air movement through the roof top ventilator ball.
The original lens was a fourth-order Fresnel, which showed a fixed white light varied by a white flash every 20 seconds that was visible for 12 miles in clear weather. In 1954, the characteristic of the light was changed to a flashing white light. The next light was a 375mm lens with a characteristic of an isophase white at 6-second intervals. Currently the lens/optic is a VRB-25 Vega rotating beacon. The lens is attached to a pole located on the lantern deck.
Fog Signal
The original fog signal was a bell, which was struck a double blow every 15 seconds by a Stevens machine. In 1954, the signal was changed to one blow every 15 seconds. The fog signal ran continuously from September to June 1.
8. Statement of Significance
Applicable National Register Criteria (Mark "x" in one or more boxes for the criteria qualifying the property for National Register listing)
X A Property is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history.
___ B Property is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past.
X C Property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components lack individual distinction.
___ D Property has yielded, or is likely to yield information important in prehistory or history.
Criteria Considerations (Mark "X" in all the boxes that apply.)
____ A owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes
____ B removed from its original location
____ C a birthplace or a grave
____ D a cemetery
____ E a reconstructed building, object, or structure
____ F a commemorative property
____ G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance within the past 50 years
Areas of Significance (Enter categories from instructions):
Maritime History
Period of Significance: 1891-1954
Significant Dates: 1891,1954
Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above): N/A
Cultural Affiliation: N/A
Known Design Source: none
Architect/Builder: U.S. Lighthouse Board
Narrative Statement of Significance (Explain the significance of the property.)
The Newport News Middle Ground Light is significant for its association with federal governmental efforts to provide an integrated system of navigational aids and to provide for safe maritime transportation in the Chesapeake Bay, a major transportation corridor for commercial traffic from the early 19th through 20th centuries. The Newport News Middle Ground Lighthouse embodies a distinctive design and method of construction that was typical of caisson lighthouse construction on the Chesapeake Bay during the last quarter of the 19th century and first quarter of the 20th century. Newport News Middle Ground Lighthouse is the oldest caisson lighthouse in Virginia waters. The property has previously been determined eligible by the Virginia State Historic Preservation Officer.2
Justification for a lighthouse at Newport News Middle Ground was stated by the Lighthouse Board as follows: "Vessels leaving the docks at Newport News drawing 24 feet of water invariably pass to the southward of the Middle Ground, and because of the several changes of course masters now hesitate to leave their berths for sea on very dark or foggy nights. To obviate the necessity for thus losing much valuable time a light-house and fog-signal should be established on the Middle Ground, near Newport News, or in the vicinity of Newport News at such a point as may be selected by the Board."3
In 1887, the Lighthouse Board requested an appropriation from Congress for $50,000 for a lighthouse to mark the Middle Ground shoal in Hampton Roads. Because of the 17-foot depth of water, winter ice, and heavy traffic, a caisson type lighthouse was recommended. On May 14, 1888, Congress authorized a lighthouse to be built and appropriated $50,000 in funds for its construction on October 2. Modifications, such as reducing the riprap by a third, were made to the specifications to reduce costs. A request to the contractor to thus lower his bid resulted in a $4,000 reduction. The cost of the metal work was $17,830, and the negotiated cost to erect the structure was $26,000. The lighthouse was completed, and the light was first exhibited on April 15, 1891. The light characteristic was a "fixed white of the fourth order, varied by a white flash every twenty seconds." About 1,000 tons of riprap stone was placed around the structure to protect it from "undermining action of the currents."4
The lighthouse was automated in 1954; the light characteristic changed to a flashing white and the fog signal from a double blow to a single blow every 15 seconds. With automation, the aid to navigation was downgraded to a "second-class tall nun buoy."5 A ship collided with the lighthouse in 1979 and caused some decking from the lower gallery to be knocked out. In 1982, an inspection team found serious problems at the light, including missing windows, water leakage, peeling paint, and lantern door jammed open allowing bird infestation. The station was solarized in 1986/87; $14,400 was spent sandblasting and painting, replacing railings, and providing new access ladders.6
In 1994, an inspection team found the lighthouse in "fair overall condition with some noticeable structural defects." One of the brackets for the lower gallery cantilevered deck was missing, and about 30 percent of the gallery railing was missing. The lantern door was once again found jammed open allowing birds to infest the interior.7
9. Major Bibliographical References
(Cite the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form.)
Clifford, Candace. 1994 Inventory of Historic Light Stations. Department of Interior, National Park Service, History Division, Washington, D.C., 1994.
de Gast, Robert. The Lighthouses of the Chesapeake. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1973.
Holland, F. Ross, Jr. Maryland Lighthouses of the Chesapeake Bay. Maryland Historical Trust Press and Friends of St. Clement's Island Museum, Inc., 1997.
Turbyville, Linda. Bay Beacons: Lighthouses of the Chesapeake Bay. Eastwind Publishing: Annapolis, Maryland, 1995.
U.S. Lighthouse Board. Annual Reports, 1867-1902. Department of Commerce and Labor, 1867-1902.
Previous documentation on file (NPS)
___ preliminary determination of individual listing (36 CFR 67) has been requested.
___ previously listed in the National Register
previously determined eligible by the National Register
___ designated a National Historic Landmark
___ recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey # __________
___ recorded by Historic American Engineering Record #
Primary Location of Additional Data
___ State Historic Preservation Office
___ Other State agency
X Federal agency
___ Local government
___ University
___ Other
Name of repository: National Archives; National Maritime Initiative, National Park Service; U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, Historian's Office, Washington, D.C.
10. Geographical Data
Acreage of the Property: Less than one acre
USGS Quadrangle: Newport News South, VA
UTM References: Zone Easting Northing
18 376068 4089472
Verbal Boundary Description:
The boundary is coterminous with the outer circumference of the structure at its widest diameter.
Boundary Justification:
The boundary completely encompasses the light structure.
11. Form Prepared By
name/title: Ralph E. Eshelman, Maritime Historian; Edited and revised by Jennifer Perunko, NCSHPO Consultant, National Maritime Initiative, National Park Service
organization: U.S. Lighthouse Society (under a cooperative partnership with the National Park Service National Maritime Initiative)
date: September 8, 1997
street & number: National Park Service (NRHE-2280), 1849 C St., NW,
city or town: Washington state: DC zip code: 20240
telephone: 410-326-4877 or 202-354-2243
Property Owner
(Complete this item at the request of the SHPO or FPO.)
name: U.S. Coast Guard, Fifth District
street & number: 431 Crawford Street
city or town: Portsmouth state: VA zip code: 23705-5004
telephone: (757) 398-6351
1 The following description and associated photographs were reviewed in August 2002 by a US Coast Guard Aid to Navigation team responsible for the property. A document verifying that the description and associated photographs reflect the current condition of the property is on file with the Office of Civil Engineering, US Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, DC.
2 Letter dated Sept. 24, 1993 from James Christian Hill, Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Historic Resources in National Maritime Initiative inventory file for Newport News Middle Ground Light.
3 Lighthouse Board Annual Report, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, and 1891 (Government Printing Office: Washington, D.C.).
4 Ibid.
5 Candace Clifford, 1994 Inventory of Historic Light Stations (National Park Service, History Division, Washington, D.C., 1994), p. 319; and Turbyville, Linda, Bay Beacons: Lighthouses of the Chesapeake Bay (Eastwind: Annapolis, Maryland, 1995), p. 116.
6 Turbyville, pp. 116-117.
7 Turbyville, p. 117.
NPS Form 10-900 USDI/NPS NRHP Reg