Station Cold Spring [Beach], New Jersey
Coast Guard Station #136

½-mile east of Cape May City; 38-56' 00"N x 74-54' 30"W
Date of Conveyance:
Station Built:
Abandoned in 1952
George Hildreth was appointed on APR 12, 1869. He resigned from the service on SEPT 30, 1886.
Augustus Sooy was appointed on OCT 4, 1886 and died in service on APR 17, 1913.
Richard Cresse a Gold Life Saving Medal recipient was appointed on MAY 14, 1913 and was still serving in 1915.

"COLD SPRING"; no date/photo number; photographer unknown.
Courtesy of Van Field.

"COLD SPRING"; no date/photo number; photographer unknown.
Courtesy of Van Field.

"COLD SPRING"; no date/photo number; photographer unknown.
Courtesy of Van Field.
Station History File, CG Historian’s Office
Dennis L. Noble & Michael S. Raynes. “Register of the Stations and Keepers of the U.S. Life-Saving Service.” Unpublished manuscript, compiled circa 1977, CG Historian’s Office collection.
Ralph Shanks, Wick York & Lisa Woo Shanks. The U.S. Life-Saving Service: Heroes, Rescues and Architecture of the Early Coast Guard. Petaluma, CA: Costaño Books, 1996.
U.S. Treasury Department: Coast Guard. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers and Cadets and Ships and Stations of the United States Coast Guard, July 1, 1941. Washington, DC: USGPO, 1941.