Taney (originally launched as the Roger B. Taney) was named for Roger Brooke Taney, who was born on 17 March 1777 in Calvert County, Maryland. He graduated from Dickinson College in 1795 and soon began law studies at Annapolis, Maryland. Admitted to the Maryland bar in 1799, he entered politics as a Federalist in the same year and won a term in the Maryland legislature. During the War of 1812, he was among the dissenting Federalists who supported President Madison's foreign policy. After peace returned, he won a dominant position in Federalist circles within Maryland.
In 1823, Taney moved to Baltimore where he established a highly successful law practice and enhanced his reputation as an eminent attorney. After the demise of the Federalist Party, he chaired the committee supporting General Andrew Jackson's presidential candidacy and, during a reorganization of the cabinet in 1831, Taney was appointed United States Attorney General. In this capacity, Taney became President Jackson's principal advisor in the attack on the United States Bank,. In September 1833, Jackson gave Taney a recess appointment as Secretary of the Treasury for the special purpose of establishing depositories in state banks into which Federal funds could be transferred. After Congress reconvened, the Senate refused to approve the nomination and Taney resumed private practice.
On 28 December 1835, President Jackson picked Taney to succeed John Marshall as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; and, despite Whig opposition, the appointment was confirmed on 15 March 1836. During his time on the bench, Taney gave opinions in many cases in which he generally upheld states rights and narrowly construed the Constitution's grant of powers to the Federal Government. In the Dred Scott decision in 1857--his most famous--Taney held that Congress had no power to abolish slavery in the territories acquired after the formation of the Federal Government. He held that slavery was a necessary evil as long as negroes remained in the United States, and he further maintained that blacks did not hold citizenship and therefore could not sue in a Federal court.
Throughout the Civil War, Taney continued to resist any infringement of state's rights and believed the Federal Government had erred in pursuing war to bring seceding states back into the Union. Justice Taney died in Washington, D.C., on 12 October 1864.

USCGC Taney off the California coastline, circa 1963. The original caption states: "The 327-ft. Cutter TANEY, based at Alameda, Calif., is one of the larger classes of Coast Guard cutters which perform rescues on the high seas, ocean station weather patrol, and many other duties at all points of the compass."
Coast Guard Cutter WPG-37
Commissioned: 24 October 1936
Decommissioned: 7 December 1986; transferred to the City of Baltimore, Maryland where she now resides In Baltimore Harbor as a museum ship.
Builder: Philadelphia Navy Yard, Philadelphia, PA
Cost: $2,468,460.00
Displacement: 2,350
Length: 327'0"
Beam: 41'0"
Draft: 12'6" (max.)
Propulsion: 2 x Westinghouse double-reduction geared turbines; 2 x Babcock & Wilcox sectional express, air-encased, 400 psi, 200° superheat boilers
SHP: 5,250 (total--1936); 6,200 (1945)
Maximum Speed: 19.5 knots
Cruising: 13.0 knots, 7,000 mile radius
Complement: (1937) 12 officers, 4 warrants, 107 men; (1941) 16 officers, 5 warrants, 200 men; (1966) 10 officers, 3 warrants, 133 enlisted.
Radar: (1945) SK, SG-1; (1966) AN/SPS-29D, AN/SPA-52.
Fire Control Radar: (1945) Mk-26; (1966) Mk-26 MOD 4
Sonar: (1945) QC series; (1966) SQS-11
1936: 3 x 5"/51 (single); 2 x 6 pdrs.; 1 x 1pdr.
1941: 2 x 5"/51 (single mount); 4 x 3"/50 (single mounts); 2 x depth charge racks; 1 x "Y" gun depth charge projector.
1943: 4 x 5"/38 dual purpose--only cutter of her class to be so armed
1945: 2 x 5"/38 (single); 6 x 40mm/60 (twin); 4 x 20mm/80 (single)
1946: 1 x 5"/38 (single); 1 x 40mm;/60 (twin); 2 x 20mm/80 (single), 1 Hedgehog, 2 x depth charge racks, (?) depth charge projectors.
1966: 1 x 5"/38 (single); MK 52 MOD 3 director; 1 x 10-1 Hedgehog; 2 x (P&S) Mk 32 MOD 5 TT, 4 x MK 44 MOD 1 torpedoes; 2 x 50 cal. MK-2 Browning MG, 2 x MK-13 high altitude parachute flare mortars.
Aircraft: JF-2, #V135, 1937-1941.
Class History:
The 327-foot cutters were designed to meet changing missions of the service as it emerged from the Prohibition era. Because the air passenger trade was expanding both at home and overseas, the Coast Guard believed that cutter-based aircraft would be essential for future high-seas search and rescue. Also, during the mid-1930's, narcotics smuggling, mostly opium, was on the increase, and long-legged, fairly fast cutters were needed to curtail it. The 327's were an attempt to develop a 20-knot cutter capable of carrying an airplane in a hangar.
The final 327-foot design was based on the Erie-class Navy gunboats; the machinery plant and hull below the waterline were identical. This standardization would save money--always paramount in the Coast Guard's mind, as the cutters were built in U.S. Navy shipbuilding yards. Thirty-two preliminary designs based upon the Erie class were drawn up before one was finally selected. The healthy sheer forward and the high slope in the deck in the wardrooms was known as the "Hunnewell Hump." Commander (Constructor) F. G. Hunnewell, USCG, was the head of the Construction and Repair Department at that time.
The Secretary class cutters proved to be highly adaptable, dependable, versatile and long-lived warships--most served their country for over 40 years. In the words of one naval historian, John M. Waters, Jr., they were truly their nation's "maritime workhorses." Waters continued: "the 327's battled, through the 'Bloody Winter' of 1942-43 in the North Atlantic--fighting off German U-boats and rescuing survivors from torpedoed convoy ships. They went on to serve as amphibious task force flagships, as search-and-rescue (SAR) ships during the Korean War, .on weather patrol, and as naval gunfire support ships during Vietnam. Most recently, these ships-that-wouldn't-die have done duty in fisheries patrol and drug interdiction. . .Built for only $2.5 million each, in terms of cost effectiveness we may never see the likes of these cutters again."
Roger B. Taney, Coast Guard Builders No. 68, was laid down on 1 May 1935 at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. She was launched on 3 June 1936 and was sponsored by Miss Corinne F. Taney. She was commissioned at Philadelphia on 24 October 1936 under the command of CDR W. K. Thompson, USCG. The Roger B. Taney departed Philadelphia on 19 December, transited the Panama Canal from the 27th to the 29th, and arrived at her home port, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, on 18 January 1937. She conducted local operations out of Honolulu through the summer of 1937. On 16 June 1937, she transferred a number of her crew, including RM 2/c Frank Cipriani, USCG, for temporary duty to CGC Itasca. The Itasca was preparing to lend navigational support Amelia Earhart's flight around the world. In May or June of 1937 Roger B. Taney's name was shortened to simply "Taney."
The Taney had arrived in the Pacific at a time when the United States, and Pan-American Airways in particular, was expanding its commercial air travel capabilities. The "Clipper" flights across the Pacific to the Far East made islands like Hawaii, Midway, Guam, and Wake important way-stations. Other islands and islets assumed greater importance when a route across the South Pacific was mapped out to Australia and Samoa. The military benefits which accrued to the United States by its expansion onto some of the more strategic bits of land in the broad Pacific were not lost upon President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who undertook, in the late 1930's, to annex territory in the Pacific.
Two such places were Canton and Enderbury Islands. The Taney played a role in their colonization by the United States. In early March 1938, the Coast Guard cutter loaded supplies and embarked colonists who would establish the claim of the United States upon the two islands that seemed--at least to the uninitiated--to be mere hunks of coral, rock, and scrub in the Central Pacific. She disembarked four Hawaiians at Enderbury Island on 6 March 1938 and landed a second contingent-of seven colonists-at Canton Island on the next day. The men, assisted by the Coast Guardsmen, erected buildings and laid the foundations for future signal towers.
The Coast Guard's task over the ensuing years leading up to the outbreak of war in the Pacific was to supply these isolated way-stations along the transpacific air routes and to relieve the colonists at stated intervals. Taney performed these supply missions into 1940. Meanwhile, tension continued to rise in the Far East as Japan cast covetous glances at the American, British, Dutch, and French colonial possessions and marched deeper into embattled China.
As the Navy and Coast Guard began gradually increasing and augmenting the armament on its vessels to prepare them for the inexorably advancing war, Taney underwent her first major rearmament at the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard in December 1940. She received her last major pre-war refit at the Mare Island Navy Yard, Vallejo, Calif., in the spring of the following year, 1941. On 25 July 1941, the Coast Guard cutter was transferred to the Navy and reported for duty with the local defense forces of the 14th Naval District, maintaining her base at Honolulu. By this time, the ship's name was shortened to Taney.
Outside of another "line island cruise" in the late summer, Taney operated locally out of Honolulu into the critical fall of 1941. She conducted regular harbor entrance and channel patrols, alternating often with one of the four old destroyers of Destroyer Divison 80: USS Allen (DD-66), USS Sehley (DD-103), USS Chew (DD-106), and USS Ward (DD-139).
The message: "Air Raid, Pearl Harbor. This is no drill" came at 0755 on 7 December, as Japanese planes swept overhead in an attempt to cripple the Pacific Fleet. Taney, moored alongside Pier 6, Honolulu harbor, stood to her antiaircraft guns swiftly when word of the surprise attack reached her simultaneously.
Taney patrolled the waters off Honolulu for the remainder of 1941 and into 1942, conducting many depth charge attacks on suspected submarines in the wake of the Pearl Harbor attack. During this time, the ship received the classification WPG-37. On 22 January 1942, the cutter departed Honolulu in company with SS Barbara Olson, and arrived at Canton Island on the 28th. After sending a working party ashore to unload supplies, Taney screened Barbara Olson offshore until 7 February, when both ships got underway to evacuate the American colony on Enderbury Island. Embarking the four colonists at 1015 that day, Taney shelled the island and destroyed the buildings there before sailing for Jarvis Island. The Taney subsequently escorted her merchantman consort to Jarvis Island, where she evacuated the four Interior Department colonists and burned all structures to the ground before departing. Reaching Palmyra on the 12th, the ships remained there until the 15th, before Taney headed back for the Hawaiian Islands, arriving at Honolulu on 5 March. She made another voyage to Palmyra Island later that spring and when heading back to Hawaii, she received orders to search for survivors in the waters around Midway Island after the Battle of Midway, including a stop at the island itself.
Taney operated locally out of Honolulu into 1943 before sailing for Boston late that winter. Prior to heading for the east coast, the ship received a re-gunning at Mare Island, being fitted with four single-mount, 5-inch guns, making her the only ship in her class with this modification. After making port at Boston on 14 March 1944, Taney soon shifted south to Hampton Roads, where she arrived on 31 March. Early in April, she departed Norfolk as a unit of Task Force (TF) 66 as convoy guide for convoy UGS-38. The passage across the Atlantic proved uneventful, as the convoy made landfall off the Azores on 13 April.
Some 35 minutes after sunset on the 20th, however, the convoy was spotted and tracked by the Germans, who launched a three-pronged attack with Junkers JU-88 and Heinkel HE-111 medium bombers. Each flew very low, using the shoreline as a background, thus confusing the search radar of the Allied ships. The first wave struck from dead ahead, torpedoing SS Paul Hamilton and SS Samite. The former, which had been inexcusably carrying both a load of ammunition as well as hundreds of Army Air Corps personnel, blew up in a shattering explosion--killing all 504 men on board.
The second wave of German torpedo planes hit the SS Stephen F. Austin and SS Royal Star. During this melee, two torpedoes churned past Taney close aboard. The third wave mortally wounded Lansdale (DD--426), which later sank. All of the damaged vessels--save Paul Hamilton and Lansdale--reached Bizerte, Tunisia, on the 21st. Taney later departed Bizerte with homeward-bound convoy GUS--38 and arrived at New York on 21 May.
The Coast Guard cutter conducted two more round-trip convoy escort missions, with convoys UGS/GUS-- 45 and UGS/GUS--52. Detached as a unit of TF 66 on 9 October 1944, Taney sailed for the Boston Navy Yard soon thereafter for extensive yard work to convert her to an amphibious command ship. During this Metamorphosis, Taney--classified as WAGC-37--was fitted with accommodations for an embarked flag officer and his staff, as well as with increased communications and radar facilities. Her main battery, too, underwent change: she now sported two open-mount 5-inch guns, as well as 40 and 20-millimeter antiaircraft guns. With the work completed in early January 1945, Taney departed Boston on 19 January, bound for Norfolk, Va.
She conducted shakedown and training in her new configuration before departing the east coast and sailing, via the Panama Canal and San Diego, to Hawaii. Arriving at Pearl Harbor on 22 February 1945, she soon embarked Rear Admiral Calvin H. Cobb and later underwent various minor repairs. New communications equipment was also installed before the ship departed the Hawaiian Islands for the Marshalls on 10 March.
Taney proceeded independently via Eniwetok and arrived at Ulithi on 23 March, remaining there until 7 April. Joining TG 51.8, the amphibious command ship proceeded to Okinawa and arrived off the Hagushi beaches amidst air raid alerts on the 11th. During one raid, her antiaircraft gunners scored at least three hits on a Betty bomber which crossed the ship's bow 1,200 yards away, and later during her first day at Okinawa experienced four more "red alerts." The ship briefly shifted to Kerama Retto from the 13th to the 15th before returning to Hagushi on the latter date.
By the end of May, Taney had gone to general quarters 119 times, with the crew remaining at battle stations for up to nine hours at a stretch. During this period off Okinawa in April and May, Taney downed four suicide planes and assisted in numerous other "kills." The command ship also conducted combat information center duties, maintaining complete radar and air coverage, receiving and evaluating information on both friendly and enemy activities. On one occasion, Taney's duties took her close inshore close enough to even receive fire close aboard from a Japanese shore battery.
Suicide air attacks by the Japanese continued throughout June, although most were intercepted by combat air patrol (CAP) fighters and downed before they could reach their targets. Such raids took place on 18 out of 30 days that month. On 25 June, at 0120, a float seaplane passed near Taney, provoking return fire from the command ship and batteries ashore which combined to splash the intruder. During this month-long period, at least 288 enemy planes attacked the ships in Taney's vicinity, and at least 96 of these were destroyed.
As if the Japanese menace alone were not enough, in mid-July a typhoon forced the ships at Hagushi to take evasive action. Taney led a convoy eastward on the 19th and returned the next day when the storm passed. She performed the same duties again on the first day of the following month when she led a convoy to sea on typhoon-evasion operations. The ship returned to its anchorage on the 3d.
The end of the war found Taney still off Okinawa. On 16 August, she got underway to support USS Pennsylvania (BB--38) as three Japanese planes were detected approaching from the northeast. One crashed 30 miles to the north, and two splashed into the sea shortly thereafter. On 25 August, TG 95.5 was dissolved, and Rear Admiral Cobb, who had been embarked during the Okinawa campaign, hauled down his flag and departed.
Taney soon proceeded to Japan, where she took part in the occupation of Wakayama, anchoring off the port city on 11 September and sending a working party ashore the next day. While anchored there, Taney weathered a typhoon which swirled by on the 17th. She was, in fact, one of the few ships which stayed at her berth during the storm, her ground tackle holding well in the sticky clay bottom.
Departing Wakayama on 14 October, Taney returned to the west coast of the United States, via Midway, and arrived at San Francisco on 29 October. Moving on for the east coast, Taney transited the Panama Canal and later arrived at her ultimate destination, Charleston, S.C., on 29 November. During the ensuing period of conversion, the Coast Guard vessel was reconfigured as a patrol cutter. She now sported a main battery of a single-mount, 5-inch gun, a hedgehog, a twin 40-millimeter mount, and two 20-millimeter guns, in addition to depth charge tracks and projectors and was reclassifed once again as WPG-37.
Upon shifting back to the west coast, Taney was based at Alameda, California until February of 1972. Her primary post-war duty was serving as an ocean station weather ship. The weather patrols (later termed "ocean station patrols") consisted of sailing for three weeks on assigned stations in the Pacific, and each cutter assigned performed four or five such patrols each year. Their primary task was to report meteorological information, which was used in weather forecasts for the burgeoning trans-Pacific commercial air traffic as well as for surface vessels. The ocean station vessels also provided communications and navigation assistance and were always standing by for and search and rescue emergencies. She also conducted dedicated law enforcement and search and rescue patrols, or stood on search and rescue standby, when she was not on ocean station duty.
In June through July 1949 Taney served on Ocean Station Fox and later in July she served on Ocean Station Able. In June of 1950 she served on Ocean Station Oboe and in September she served on Ocean Station Fox. In January through February 1951 she served on Ocean Station Uncle and the following year, August to September, she served on Ocean Station Uncle. Later in 1952, from November to December, she served on Ocean Station Nan. In April to May of 1953 Taney served on Ocean Station Victor and in June of that year she served on Ocean Station Victor. From 4 to 25 October 1953 she served on Ocean Station Uncle and from June to July of 1954 she served on Ocean Station Nan. In November of that same year she again served on Ocean Station Nan. In March and April and again in June and July of 1956 she served on Ocean Station November. She again served on Ocean Station November from January to February, June to July, and October to November of 1957 and from February to March and August of 1958. She served on Ocean Station Romeo from October to November 1958. She served on Ocean Station November from December of 1958 to January of 1959, May to June, and October to November of 1959.
The Taney served on Ocean Station November in March and April of 1960. A unique honor occurred on 27 April 1960 when Taney, as the senior U.S. ship present, hosted French President Charles de Gaulle on his tour of San Francisco Bay. She then served on Ocean Station November in August of 1960. She served again on Ocean Station November in January and then from May to June of 1961. On 1 May 1965 the Treasury class vessels were re-designated as High Endurance Cutters or WHEC. This designation indicated a multi-mission ship able to operate at sea for 30-45 days without support and Taney was then re-classified as WHEC-37. In March of 1965 she conducted an Alaskan Patrol and on 29 March she successfully fought a fire on board the disabled fishing vessel Glacier Bear 15 miles south of Cape Fairweather and then towed her to safety. In May of 1965, off northern California, she kept the Soviet refrigerator ship Chernjakhovsk under close surveillance.
In 1966 Taney undertook a 90-day "Double VICTOR Cruise." She departed Alameda on 26 August and arrived at Pearl Harbor on 1 September, where she refueled before steaming to Honolulu, mooring at Berth 8. She departed Honolulu on 3 September en route Ocean Station Victor via Midway Island, arriving at the latter on 6 September, departing the same day. On 8 September 1966 Taney crossed the 180th meridian and then arrived at Ocean Station Victor on 11 September, relieving CGC Chatauqua (WHEC-41). She served on Victor until relieved by CGC Winnebago (WHEC-40) on 1 October, then steamed towards Yokosuka, Japan. Here the crew enjoyed liberty before again heading back to the ocean station. She arrived at Victor on 22 October, relieving Winnebago. On 4 November Typhoon Marie passed close aboard Taney, with winds gusting close to 70 knots, but she weathered the storm without damage. On 12 November 1966 Taney was relieved again by Winnebago and she then steamed to Midway Island to refuel before heading back to Alameda, arriving there on 20 November.
The Taney served on Ocean Station November from 7 to 28 January, 18 February to 10 March, 21 April to 12 May and 27 October to 17 November of 1968. Her final assignment to Ocean Station November was from 19 January to 9 February 1969. She was then ordered for duty with Coast Guard Squadron Three which was supporting the Navy's Operation "Market Time" patrols off the coast of Vietnam. There Taney served a 10-month tour of duty, providing gunfire support and preventing enemy infiltration along the coastal routes used by the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces.
She departed U.S. waters in April of 1969 and arrived in theatre on 14 May 1969 and she served in the area until 31 January 1970. During her tour of duty, Taney steamed for over 52,000 miles and inspected over 1,000 vessels. She participated in dozens of naval gunfire support missions, firing more than 3,400 five-inch shells at enemy positions. Her medical staff also treated over 6,000 Vietnamese villagers. For her service, the government of the Republic of South Vietnam awarded Taney the Vietnamese Presidential Unit Citation. After departing Vietnamese waters, she arrived at Alameda in February of 1970.
After returning to U.S. waters, she once again began serving on ocean stations. From 30 August to 20 September of 1970 and from 3 to 24 January 1971 she served on Ocean Station November. From 28 March to 18 April and 9 to 30 May 1971 she served on Ocean Station Victor. She served on Ocean Station November from 22 August to 12 September and again from 24 October to 14 November of 1971.
In February of 1972 Taney was shifted back to the east coast and was homeported at Norfolk, Virginia. From 13 to 22 October of 1972 she served on Ocean Station Hotel. From 28 October to 17 November 1972 she served on Ocean Station Delta. From 26 January to 15 February and 17 April to 7 May 1973 she served on Ocean Station Bravo. As the ocean stations were decommissioned during the early 1970's due to advances in radar and electronic navigation, Taney was assigned exclusively to the only station still operational: Ocean Station Hotel off the coasts of Maryland and Virginia. Fitted with a special storm-tracking antenna housed in a distinctive bulbous dome fitted atop her pilot house, Taney deployed seven times yearly, conducting 21 deployments 200 miles off the coast. This last ocean station had been established to track storms threatening the middle states on the east coast which had often struck without warning. Eventually, the use of more sophisticated storm-tracking satellites and radars rendered this station obsolete. Hence, Ocean Station Hotel was closed down in 1977 and the Taney gained the distinction of being the last Coast Guard cutter to serve on an ocean station.
The mid-1970s were a period of transition for the Coast Guard with the passage of the Fisheries Conservation and Management Act and the nation's shift towards increased interdiction of narcotics smugglers. These operations called for off-shore patrols of up to three weeks. From September 1976 through her decommissioning she was stationed at Portsmouth, Virginia and began law enforcement and SAR patrols.
In December 1976 she assisted the sailboat Capella 200 miles off New York. In December 1979 Taney helped seize the F/V Eneida for narcotics violations. On 15 January 1980 she seized the M/V Ameila Isle 425 miles east of Fort Pierce, FL, carrying 4 tons of contraband. In December 1980 she seized the British-flagged M/V Party Doll which was carrying 10 tons of contraband. Despite being the long arm of the law at sea she continued in her traditional Coast Guard humanitarian mission of search and rescue as well. On 16 November 1982 she rescued seven from the disabled ketch Klarwasser off the coast of North Carolina and rescued 19 migrants off the sailboat Apre Dien Ni. In May 1985 she assisted the disabled F/V Northwind 300 miles off New York. She also continued nabbing drug smugglers. On 30 September 1984 she seized the P/C Thriller in the Yucatan Channel. The Thriller carried 1,000 pounds of marijuana. Her final bust occurred on 4 October 1985 when she seized the M/V Sea Maid I which was towing a barge that carried 160 tons of marijuana 300 miles off Virginia.
She was formally decommissioned on 7 December 1986 and turned over to the city of Baltimore, Maryland for use as a museum ship, where she still resides. Over her distinguished career, Taney received three battle stars for World War II service and numerous theatre ribbons for service in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.
Commanding Officers:
CDR Eugene A. Coffin; 1936-1940
CDR George B. Gelly; 1940-1941
CDR Louis B. Olson; 1941-1942
CDR George B. Gelly; 1942-1943
CAPT Henry C. Perkins; 1943-1944
CDR Henry J. Wuensch; 1944
CDR George D. Synon; 1944-1945
CDR Carl G. Bowman; 1945-1947
CAPT Clarence C. Paden; 1947-1949
LCDR George Stedman; 1949
CAPT Edwin J. Roland; 1949-1950
CAPT George H. Miller; 1950-1951
CAPT George D. Synon; 1951-1953
CAPT Henry A. Meyer; 1953-1954
CAPT Albert J. Carpenter; 1954-1956
CAPT James A. Alger, Jr.; 1956-1957
CAPT William W. Childress; 1957-1959
CAPT Frank V. Helmer; 1959-1961
CAPT Frederick J. Statts; 1961-1963
CAPT Robert D. Brodie, IV; 1963-1965
CAPT Sherman K. Frick; 1965-1966
American Defense Service Medal
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal
American Campaign Medal
World War II Victory Medal
China Service Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Philippine Presidential Unit Citation
Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal
Navy Occupation Service Medal
Philippine Liberation Ribbon w/ two battle stars
Meritorious Unit Citation w/ Gallantry Cross w/ Palm
Vietnam Service Medal
Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces
Republic of Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation
Vietnam Campaign Medal
Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Vol. VII, p. 35.
The Coast Guard at War V: Transports and Escorts. Part I [Escorts]. Washington, DC: U.S. Coast Guard, 1 March 1949.
Robert Scheina. U.S. Coast Guard Cutters& Craft of World War II. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1982.
Robert Scheina. U.S. Coast Guard Cutters& Craft, 1946-1990. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1990.
Taney cutter file, Coast Guard Historian's Office.
John M. Waters, Jr. "A Ship For All Seasons." Naval History (Winter 1988).