Notable People

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Rear Admiral Thomas H. Gilmour


Rear Admiral Gilmour became the Assistant Commandant for Prevention (formerly Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection) in June 2003.  In this capacity, he directs national and international regulatory programs for port, vessel, and facility safety and security; waterways management including navigation systems, bridge administration and marine transportation system policy.

His first flag assignment was Commander of Maintenance and Logistics Command Pacific, Alameda, California from 2001-2003, where he directed logistical and system support for all units and personnel in the Pacific Area.

A 1972 graduate of the Coast Guard Academy, RADM Gilmour later attended the University of Michigan earning Master of Science degrees in both Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.  In 1996 RADM Gilmour was assigned tot he Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group as a CNO Fellow.  He worked with eight Navy Captains and one Marine Colonel to develop revolutionary concepts for future naval warfighting, reporting directly to the Chief of Naval Operations.

RADM Gilmour's field assignments have been in the Marine Safety and Operation Ashore areas.  From 1993-1996 he served as Captain of the Port and Group Commander for the Port of New York.  While there his command provided security for the 50th anniversary of the United Nations and the Haitian Peace Talks, as well as responding to over 3,900 search and rescue cases and 2,200 chemical and oil spills.  He also formed and was the first Commanding Officer of Activities New York in 1996, which combined all operational units in New York into the largest operational command in the Coast Guard.  Other operational assignments include Executive Officer and Alternate Captain of the Port at Marine Safety Office, San Francisco Bay; Marine Inspector and New Construction Branch Chief at Marine Inspection Office New Orleans; Commanding Officer LORAN Station Cape Athol, Greenland; and Operations Officer on the Coast Guard cutter Modoc in Coos Bay, Oregon.

RADM Gilmour's staff assignments include: Chief of Staff of the13th Coast Guard District in Seattle, Washington, from 2000-2001 and Director of Field Activities for the Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety and Environmental Protection where he oversaw all Marine Safety Operations, from 1997-2000.  He also headed the U.S. Delegation to the Flag State Implementation Sub-Committee at the International Maritime Organization in London.  He was Executive Director of the Interagency Ship Structure Committee where he also served as a United States delegate to the International Ship Structures Congress, from 1986-1989.  Earlier he was an engineer in the Marine Technical and Hazardous Materials Division.  He also served as Staff Naval Architect in the Merchant Marine Technical Division in the Eighth Coast Guard District in New Orleans, LA.

His awards include the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, Coast Guard Commendation Medal, Coast Guard Achievement Medal, Commandant Letter of Commendation Ribbon, Unit Commendation Ribbon, and Special Operations Ribbon among many others.

Rear Admiral Gilmour is marred to the former Janice G. of Springfield, Oregon.  They have three children, Scott, Elizabeth, and David.

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