Rear Admiral W. Ted Leland became Chief, Office of Law Enforcement and Defense Operations, United States Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, DC in March 1989. As such, Admiral Leland is responsible to the Commandant for establishing the program requirments for surface and aviation operations.
Prior to this assignment, Admiral Leland was the first commander of the Maintenance and Logistcs Command Pacific, located in Alameda, California. There, he was responsible for the maintenance support of the Coast Guard ships and shore establishments in the Pacific Basin, including all major contracting support.
Admiral Leland has a broad opeartional afloat and ashore experience, having commanded two of the six cutters that he has been assigned to. His two shore commands involved duties in aids to navigation and search and rescue. As a staff officer, he directed the Atlantic Area enforcement efforts and, as a new captain, he directed the Coast Guard's Defense Operations for the Seventh Coast Guard District where the maritime war on drug smuggling is focused. His special staff assignments include a tour as Military Aide and later, Executive assistant to the Secretary of Transportation; and as a captain, Chief of Congressional Affairs for the Coast Guard.
Admiral Leland graduated from the United States Coast Guard Academy in June 1960. He holds a Master's degree in Public Administration from the University of Rhode Island, where he was inducted into the Political Science National Honor Society, Pi Sigma Alpha. He attended the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia and graduated with distrinction form the Naval War College. Admiral Leland's military awards include receiving the Legion of Merit three times, being twice awarded the Meritorious Service Medal and one Coast Guard Commendation Medal.
Admiral Leland is married to the former Emily R. of Amherst, Massachusetts. They have two children, Leslie and Doug.