Historic Documents

Documents, including copies, reproductions and scans of documents, reports, articles, publications, etc., detailing the U.S. Coast Guard and its five predecessor agencies: the Revenue Cutter Service, the Life-Saving Service, the Lighthouse Service, the Bureau of Navigation, and the Steamboat Inspection Service from the Coast Guard Archives and Special Collections, Coast Guard, and National Archives.

NOTE: Documents provided are in the public domain.

LORAN-C User Handbook (COMDTPUB P16562.5)

COMMANDANT PUBLICATION P16562.5 Subj: Loran-C User Handbook 1. PURPOSE. To provide a general description of the Loran-C Navigation System and an introduction to its use. 2. DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. The Loran-C User Handbook, COMDTINST M16562.3, dated May 1980 is cancelled. 3. DISCUSSION. The new Loran-C User Handbook is a much more comprehensive edition than the previous one. A Loran-C system decription, use of Loran-C receivers, interference to Loran-C and its effects, nautical charts and tables containing Loran-C information, and updated information on available Loran-C coverage are only some of the topics covered in the handbook W.J. ECKER Chief, Office of Navigation Safety and Waterway Services FORWARD The purpose of this book is to provide general information about the Loran-C Radionavigation System and to present an introduction to its use. This revision reflects major changes in: the Loran-C system, Coast Guard operational technology, and Loran receivers. The book also includes information for aviators and terrestrial users.

Photo by: USCG Historian's Office (Scott Price)

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