Historic Documents & Official Publications (Database)

Documents, including PDF photo collections, reproductions and scans of drawings, illustrations, and images, from the archives of the U.S. Coast Guard and its five predecessor agencies: the Revenue Cutter Service, the Life-Saving Service, the Lighthouse Service, the Bureau of Navigation, and the Steamboat Inspection Service from the Coast Guard Archives and Special Collections, Coast Guard, and National Archives.

NOTE: Documents provided are in the public domain.

U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office
2703 Martin Luther King, Jr., Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20593-7031

U.S. Coast Guard Museum
Coast Guard Academy - Waesche Hall
15 Mohegan Ave
New London, CT 06320-8100

Contacting us:  U.S.C.G. Historian's Office

Images & Photographs

1945 - USCG BOOK OF VALOR (World War II)

Book of Valor UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Book of Valor A Fact Book on Medals and Decorations [awarded to Coast Guardsmen for valor during World War II] PREPARED BY THE PUBLIC RELATIONS DIVISION, WASHINGTON , D.C. MAY, 1945 The following is a publication issued by the Coast Guard's Public Affairs Division in May of 1945 that lists those Coast Guardsmen who were awarded decorations of the Air Medal or higher during World War II, along with their citations. Additionally, there were three supplemental sections added to the publication to cover those who earned awards for the remaining months of the war and these supplements are included as well. Supplemental List No. 3 included those individuals who were authorized to wear the Commendation Ribbon. Coast Guardsmen were awarded a total of 532 medals (these included the following medals: Air Medal, Bronze Star, Navy & Marine Corps Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Service Medal, Navy Cross, and the Medal of Honor as well as awards from foreign governments). A total of 516 Coast Guard officers and men were awarded the Commendation Ribbon while another 957 were awarded the Purple Heart. The publication was organized alphabetically, subdivided by the recipients' home state. The chapter headings are as follows (click on the chapter heading to go directly to that chapter): Our thanks to Ms. Erma Hill for transcribing this publication.

VIRIN: CGD-181108-394-005.PDF
Photo by: USCG

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