Tag: The Long Blue Line

Sept. 24, 2021

The Long Blue Line: Cesar Romero—a Hollywood star, but just another guy in the Coast Guard

From Hollywood Star to Coast Guard war hero - the story of Cesar Romero.

Sept. 10, 2021

The Long Blue Line: Vincent Danz—9/11 hero and FRC namesake

Others lived due to his heroic efforts. Here's the story of PS2 Vincent G. Danz.

Sept. 10, 2021

The Long Blue Line: 20 years after 9/11—a day that changed the Coast Guard forever

How the Coast Guard has evolved over the past 20 year

Sept. 2, 2021

The Long Blue Line: “Hot Rocks”—a Coast Guardsman on the beach at Iwo Jima

[This essay was excerpted from the book chapter of the same name: “Hot Rocks,” Sea, Surf and Hell: The U.S. Coast Guard in World War II (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1945), 276-79.]Because of the concentrated mortar fire, which the Japanese are laying down on this landing area, it is one of the bloodiest of all the assault beaches in the Pacific War to

Aug. 27, 2021

The Long Blue Line: Coast Guard’s Ninth District--Guardians of the Great Lakes!

Within an area occupied by the states bordering the Great Lakes is located the U.S. Coast Guard’s Ninth District. The service’s presence on the Great Lakes began in the 19th century with the appearance of four Coast Guard predecessor agencies. These included the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service, U.S. Lighthouse Service, Steamboat Inspection Service and

Aug. 13, 2021

The Long Blue Line: Rasmus gets the Gold for individual heroism in a hurricane rescue!

A heroic rescue adapted from the U.S. Life-Saving Service Annual Report of the U.S. Life-Saving Service, 1900, pp. 25-28.

Aug. 4, 2021

The Long Blue Line: Coast Guard Day edition

How Alexander Hamilton's cutters are moving into the future, 231 years after we became "America's "first fleet"

July 30, 2021

The Long Blue Line: Danmark—the friend-ship between Denmark and the Coast Guard

How did a ship without a nation become a training platform for the U.S. Coast Guard?

Image Gallery

1 - 12 of 17 results
CGD 24 Wainwright Unknown port; photo taken from quarterdeck of unnamed USCG cutter. Boston? Photo...
USCG patrol boats during Prohibition
"Coast Guard Destroyer Downes (From a Painting by the Destroyer Force Bugle Staff Artist, Marius...
"Ensign Roland making end run, Coast Guard-Marine game, Washington, D.C., 1929." Scanned from...
"1929 - Coast Guard Football Team - 1929. Back Row: -Lieut. Baker, Coast and Manager; Wineke,...
A photo of Coast Guard Destroyer CONYNGHAM on patrol during Prohibition.
Coast Guard Destroyer's baseball team (no date).
Hand-written caption on reverse of photo reads: "Officers and crew of CGC Beale (Navy destroyer...
Hand-written caption on reverse of photo reads: "R R Waesche Sr., CGC Snohomish, Port Angeles, or...
"BEALE (CG-9) (Of the old U.S. Coast Guard Destroyer Force - 1924-1930) An early 20th century...
"Engineroom Force of the Coast Guard Cutter PONTCHARTRAIN. 3-5-29 (1)." CCG Scrapbook (CG...
Copy photo found in the CG Historian's Office Special Collections Archive in the "Uniforms" folder....

U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office
2703 Martin Luther King, Jr., Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20593-7031

U.S. Coast Guard Museum
Coast Guard Academy - Waesche Hall
15 Mohegan Ave
New London, CT 06320-8100

Contacting us:  U.S.C.G. Historian's Office